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Qur'an with part of Surat al-Qamar, Fragment
Text from Psalms
Aristotle, De caelo, Fragment
Commentary on the Psalms, Fragment
Corpus Iuris Civilis, Fragment
De Proprietatibus Rerum (On the Properties of Things)
Folium from a Medieval Bible, Fragment
Leaf from a Bible, Fragment
Liber dietarium universalium et particularium, Fragment
Method de precher, Fragment
Roman Law, Fragment
Charter of Hubert de Burgh
Grant of Petrus Veremudi
Noted Missal, Fragment
Choir Breviary (Franciscan Use)
Medicinal and Culinary Miscellany
Quodlibetal Fragment
Franciscan Breviary, Fragment
Gregory the Great, Dialogi [Dialogues]
Missal, Fragment
Rent and tenancy grant of Simon and Johanna Bonde
Receipt with Seal, England
Breviary, Fragment
Incunabulum, 15th century
Leaf from a Bible, Fragment
Leaf from a Calendar, Fragment
Book of Hours fragments in Jean Pontas, Dictionnaire de cas de conscience
Document, Giovanni Contarini to Donato Soranzo
Norfolk, Charter
Leaf from a Book of Hours, Fragment
Leaf from a Missal, Fragment
Leaf from a Missal, Fragment
Fall of Princes
Codex Lindstedt (Ferial Psalter and Breviary)
Folium from a Medieval Psalter, Fragment
Leaf from a Medieval Book of Hours, Fragment
Litany from a Book of Hours, Fragment
Memoriale de prerogativa imperii romani
Book of Hours (Use of Troyes)
De summo bono
Folium from a Book of Hours, Fragment
Sixtus IV, Papal Bull
English Pre-Reformation Genealogical Roll
Expositio (Postilla) in Job
Commentaria in Psalmos
Leaf from a Medieval Book of Hours, Fragment
Leaf from a Missal, Fragment
Leaf from a Medieval Book of Hours, Fragment
Pantheologia of Reynerus de Pisis
Codex Pollick (Book of Hours)
Terrier of the Town of Karben
Speculum aureum anime peccatricis dicitur
Nuremberg Chronicle
Nicolas de Lyra Incunabula
Property Register, County of Leiningen
Folium from a Book of Hours, Fragment
Leaf from a Breviary, Fragment
Leaf from a Medieval Gradual, Fragment
Leaf from a Psalter, Fragment
Manuscript Fragment
Psalter?, Fragment
Statutes of the Order of the Garter
Untitled (Illuminated Initial)
Statii Sylvarum libri quinque : Thebaidos libri duodecim, Achilleidos duo
Notarial records of Pietro Gori Michelangelo (Codex Kemp)
Ex Plavti Comoediss. XX.
Toll Register, Serrières (Ardèche)
Regla de la orden sagrada de penitencia de la regular observancia de sant francisco
Aldus Manutius the Younger, De Antiquis Numerorum Notis
Leaf from a Breviary, Fragment
Shahnameh, Fragment
Letter of Thomas Jermy to William Paston
Deed, 1571 (Copy)
Deed, 1571 (Original)
Philip II of Spain, Letter
Armorial Manuscript
Ad physiologum
Elizabeth I, Privy Council Letter
17th Century Latin Document with Large Seal
Hebrew language and grammar
James I, Document
Pro rege infirmo
Indenture, 1629
Shakespeare's Second folio, 1632
The survey of London : contayning the orignall, increase, moderne estate, and government of that city, methodically set downe : with a memoriall of those famouser acts of charity, which for publicke and pious uses have beene bestowed by many worshipfull citizens and benefactors, as also all the ancient and moderne monuments erected in the churches, not onely of those two famous cities, London and Westminster, but (now newly added) foure miles compasse
Early modern French legal document (1634)
Early modern French legal document (1662)
Indenture, 1664
Sandon Manor Document, 1669
Clavis Bibliorum : the key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasury of the Holy Scriptures ... : wherein the Scripture-songs dispersed here and there in the Old and New Testament, are metrically translated out of the Hebrew ... : whereunto are added the metrical version of the whole book of Hymns or Praises, viz. the Book of Psalmes
Indenture, 1676
Doctoral diploma granted to Franciscus Dionysius Van der Hagheby by the University of Rome, 1682
Shakespeare's Fourth Folio, 1685 [Copy 01]
Shakespeare's Fourth folio, 1685 [Copy 02]
Orpheus Britannicus : a collection of all the choicest songs for one, two, and three voices
Essays upon several moral subjects : in two parts
Copy of original Grant from Corporation of Preston
Georgius Secundus, Dei Gratia Magnae Britanniae, Franciae et Hiberniae Rex
Life and Genuine Character of the Rev. Dr. S---t written by himself
Alexanders feast ; or, The power of musick : an ode, wrote in honour of St. Cecilia, by Mr. Dryden ; set to musick by Mr. Handel : with the recitativo's, songs, symphonys and chorus's for voice & instruments ; together with the cantata, duet, and songs, as perform'd at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden