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Water supplies at Esquimalt, Saanich Inlet & the Cowitchin Country roughly sketched
Victoria Harbour
Victoria District. Section I. Lot No 2.
Victoria District. Lot 24 Section XVIII - Victoria Harbour
Victoria District. Lot 24 Section XVIII - 02
Victoria District. Lot 24 Section XVIII - 01
Victoria District, Lot No. 4 Section III.
Victoria District Lot 24 Section XVIII, Tracing No. 01
Victoria & Pugetsound Districts Sheet No. 03
Victoria & Pugetsound Districts Sheet No. 02
Victoria & Pugetsound Districts Sheet No. 01
Vancouver's Island. Puget Sound Company's Farms [roughly sketched]
Tracing of map of Vancouver Island from Nanaimo and Qualicum across to Barclay Sound and Port San Juan
The provinces of British Columbia & Vancouver Island with portions of the United States & Hudson's Bay Territories. Compiled from Original Documents by John Arrowsmith. 1859
The neighbourhood of Victoria
Survey of Telegraph Creek and upper part of Shuswap River near Tete Jaune Cache, May 1865
Small sketch of claims by some settlers at Nisqually
Sketch of Wentuhuysen Inlet East coast of Vancouver's Island Lat. 49°.10' Long. 123°.37' W
Sketch of Kamloops, and Shuswap Lakes with part Thompsons River. Part 08
Sketch of Kamloops, and Shuswap Lakes with part Thompsons River. Part 07
Sketch of Kamloops, and Shuswap Lakes with part Thompsons River. Part 06
Sketch of Kamloops, and Shuswap Lakes with part Thompsons River. Part 05
Sketch of Kamloops, and Shuswap Lakes with part Thompsons River. Part 04
Sketch of Kamloops, and Shuswap Lakes with part Thompsons River. Part 03
Sketch of Kamloops, and Shuswap Lakes with part Thompsons River. Part 02
Sketch of Kamloops, and Shuswap Lakes with part Thompsons River. Part 01
Sketch of Journey of Exploration through the Cowetchin Valley Vancouver's Island, made by Mr. J.D. Pemberton Colonial Surveyor, October 1857
Sketch of Cammusan Harbour, Vancouvers Island. shewing the position of Fort Victoria, from a Drawing of Js. Scarboro Capt H.H.B .C. M Vavasour Leiut Royal Engrs Inset: Plan of the fort
Sketch map accompanying "Suggestions for the exploration of a new route of communication by which …the transport of the supplies and returns to and from the Districts of New Caledonia and Thompson's River might be advantageously carried on in connexion with Fort Langley and the new establishment of Victoria"
Skeategat's Harbour Queen Charlotte's Island Latitude 53=22. North Longitude 131=37. West by Thomas Sinclair. in July 24th 1832
School Reserve
Rough sketch of the North branch of Thompson River, and of the Clearwater River to Quesnelle Lake Explored by James Bissett, September 1867
Rough sketch of the Eagle Creek Valley Explored by James Bissett Month July 1867
Rough Tracing of Plan of the Fort and adjacent Property
Plan of town lots at Fort Yale
Plan of town lots at Fort Hope
Plan of the Subdivision of Victoria District Section No. XXXI The Property of the Hon the Hudson Bay Co
Plan of the Fort and the adjacent property. H. B. CO.
Plan of reserve of 1300 acres at Fort Victoria
Plan of property of Governor Douglas and Government Reserve, Victoria: "Copy of an Original Plan in the Land Office at Victoria, V.I. And there Known as the Town Map (official) of 1858" (duplicate)
Plan of part of Victoria, showing government buildings, Governor Douglas's residence, and other properties. "F.W. Green.C.E. Victoria 1861"
Plan of part of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, showing Property released by Deed from H.B. Co. dated 28th, August 1863
Plan of one hundred acres of land Preempted by The Honle. Hudson's Bay Co. at Fort Rupert, V.I. P. N. Compton Fort Rupert V.I. Octr. 1863
Plan of buildings on the Puget Sound Company's Farm at Esquimalt
Plan of Victoria District Lot 24 Sec. 18. No. 2
Plan of Sooke District, Vancouver Island. Part 02
Plan of Sooke District, Vancouver Island. Part 01
Plan of Sooke District Vancouver Island. Sheet 02
Plan of Sooke District Vancouver Island. Sheet 01
Plan of Reserve ... Cadboro Bay