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[West Shore]
[Victoria Town - incomplete map from circa 1858]
[Trail to Kootenie from Fort Shepherd]
[Trail to Kootanais]
[Town of Victoria]
[Town of Victoria]
[Reserve near Nicola Lake, C]
[Reserve near Nicola Lake, B]
[Reserve near Nicola Lake, A]
[Reserve and trails along Deadman's Creek]
[Reserve and trails along Bonaparte River]
[Redstone Flat, between Alexis Creek and Tatla Lake on the Chilanko River. Sketch removed from a field notebook.]
[Proposed new Songhees Indian Reserve, Esquimalt District, Plan 01] [tracing]
[Plan with respect to anticipated railway and town development by the Grand Trunk Pacific Town and Development Company Limited in Range 5, Coast District.]
[Plan of] of Indian Reserves in the Lytton Land District and on the Similkamen and Spellum-cheen Rivers [tracing]
[Plan of] Tsowessen Indian Reserve [Tsawassen]
[Plan of] Sooke Indian Reserves
[Plan of] Skwawmish Indian Reserves, Coast District [Plan Number: 14T-IR (New Westminster)]
[Plan of] Skwawmish Indian Reserves, Coast District [Plan Number: 13T-IR (New Westminster)]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2 [tracing]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2 [original]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 1, Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2, Adams Lake Indian Reserve, and Kamloops Indian Reserve [tracing]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 1, Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2, Adams Lake Indian Reserve, and Kamloops Indian Reserve [original]
[Plan of] Saanich Indian Reserves
[Plan of] Reserves Similkameen District [tracing]
[Plan of] Reserves Similkameen District [original]
[Plan of] Nanaimo Indian Reserves
[Plan of] Katzie Indian Reserve, Wanack Indian Reserve, Matzquee Indian Reserve A, Matzquee Indian Reserve B [tracing]
[Plan of] Katzie Indian Reserve, Wanack Indian Reserve, Matzquee Indian Reserve A, Matzquee Indian Reserve B [original]
[Plan of] Katzie Indian Reserve [Fraser River]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Penel-a-kut Indians
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Nanoose Indians and Qualicum Indians
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Nanaimo
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Hal-alt Indians
[Plan of] Indian Reserves situated on or near Fraser River in the Lytton District [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves situated on or near Fraser River in the Lytton District [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves in the Lytton Land District and on the Similkamen and Spellum-cheen Rivers [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves in the Lytton Land District and on the Similkamen and Spellum-cheen Rivers [mylar copy]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Saanich [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Saanich [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Kamloops [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Kamloops [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chil-luk-wey-uk River [Chilliwack] [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chil-luk-wey-uk River [Chilliwack] [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chemanius [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chemanius [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Burrard Inlet [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Burrard Inlet [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserve Cowichan