
Search Results

"Plan of Claim at Fort Shepherd B.C. August 26, 1864"
"The Victoria Incorporation Act" Schedule. Plan A.
A History of the Gordon Head Campus Land from 11,000 B.C. to 1970
A Map of the Harbour of Victoria British Columbia Shewing Proposed Improvements
A Plan of the Town of Victoria Shewing Proposed Improvements
A Rough But Correct Diagram of the Work Done in the Vicinity of Fort Hope
A Rough Diagram shewing the position of the "Reserves" laid off for Government purposes on the Fraser, Chilliwhyeuk, Sumass & Masquee
A Rough Tracing of Part of British Columbia from the Columbia River to Fraser River &c. from one in the profession of the Hudson Bay Co.
A sketch of Port George & Cofsack Harbours, the latter in latitude. 53=33. North, Longitude. 129=44. West, By Thomas Sinclair Jan 28th 1832
Alaska : copy of part of Vancouver's chart of the coast of southern Alaska
Amended Plan No. 7, 8, 12 & 12A of the Upper Similkameen Indian Reserves, Osoyoos Division, Yale District
An explanation and skitch of The Mettles from Quatsey to McNeils Harbour
An explanation and skitch of The Mettles from Quatsey to McNeils Harbour
An explanation and skitch of The Mettles from Quatsey to McNeils Harbour
An outline chart shewing the track of the Honble. Hudsons Bay Company's steam vessel "Labouchere" from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans through the Straits of Magelhaens, and the inner Passages of Sarmiento, and Smyth's Channels in November and December 1858. By J. F. Trivett
Anderson, British Columbia
Archipelago of Arro, Gulf of Georgia, Ringgold's Channel and Straits of Fuca, Oregon Territory
Archipelago of Arro, Gulf of Georgia, Ringgold's Channel and Straits of Fuca, Oregon Territory
Barclay Sound, Ohiet Indians Reserve No. 1
Belgium and France - Ypres (Sheet 28)
Belgium and part of France - Neuve-Église, Messines ("B" Series) Sheet 28 S.W.
Boston Bar
Bridge over Rowe Stream
British Columbia, coast lines from Admiralty charts, interior from explorations by Royal Engineers and others up to 1862. North of Fraser River from Mr. Arrowsmith, East of Columbia River from Captain Palliser (1862)
British Columbia, reduced copy of the map referred to in the despatch of Governor Douglas of 16 July 1861
British Columbia, showing carriage roads completed, in progress, and proposed
British Columbia, showing carriage roads completed, in progress, and proposed
British Columbia, showing discoveries of gold and silver, explorers' routes, etc.
British Columbia. Coast lines from Admiralty Charts, interior from Explorations by Royal Engineers and others up to 1862. North of Fraser River from Mr. Arrowsmith. East of Columbia River from Captain Palliser
British Columbia. Coast lines from Admiralty Charts, interior from Explorations by Royal Engineers and others up to 1862. North of Fraser River from Mr. Arrowsmith. East of Columbia River from Captain Palliser
British Columbia. Coast lines from Admiralty Charts, interior from Explorations by Royal Engineers and others up to 1862. North of Fraser River from Mr. Arrowsmith. East of Columbia River from Captain Palliser
Burrard Inlet [Land Reserves]
Bute Inlet and Fraser River routes from the mouth of the Quesnel River to Victoria on Vancouver Island
Cape Caution to Port Simpson including Hecate Strait and part of Queen Charlotte Islands
Carta Esferica de los Reconocimientos hechos en la Costa N. O. de America en 1791 y 92 por las Goletas sutil, y Mexicana y otros Buques de S.M.
Carta reducida que comprehende parte de la Costa Septentrional de California, corregida y enmendata hasta la Boca del Estrecho de Fuca, y levantado el Plano el en la Espedicion que se hizo con la Balandra de S.M. nombrado la Princesa Rl al mando del Alferez de Navio de la Rl Armada Dn. Manuel Quimper en el ano de 1790
Carte de la côte de l'Amérique sur l'océan Pacifique septentrional : comprenant le territoire de l'Orégon, les Californies, la Mer Vermeille, partie des territoires de la compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson et de l'Amérique Russe
Cedar District (1859) (Rough sketch)
Cedar District Official Map
Cedar District, Vancouver Island Colony (rough sketch)
Chart of Nanaimo Harbour and the neighbouring coast
Chart of the Coast of NW America and Islands adjacent North Westward of the Gulf of Georgia as explored by His Majesty's Ships Discovery and Chatham in the Months of July & August 1792.', covering Queen Charlotte Sound from the sea to Cape Mudge. Scale: 1 inch to about 4½ miles. Compass indicator. Longitude is shown east from Greenwich. [Queen Charlotte Sound, 1792]
Chart of the west coast of North America either side of the forty-ninth parallel
Chart shewing part of the Coast of N.W. America with the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham, Commanded by George Vancouver Esq. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker  in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 51 45ʹ N. and long. 232 08ʹ E. to lat. 57 30ʹ N. and long. 226 44ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the Coast of N.W. America with the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham, Commanded by George Vancouver Esq. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 51 45ʹ N. and long. 232 08ʹ E. to lat. 57 30ʹ N. and long. 226 44ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America : with the tracks of His Majesty's sloop Discovery and armed tender Chatham commanded by George Vancouver, esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been traced and determined from lat: 45⁰, 30ʹ N. and long. 236⁰, 12ʹ E. to lat: 52⁰, 15ʹ N. and long. 232⁰, 40ʹ E. at the different periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America : with the tracks of His Majesty's sloop Discovery and armed tender Chatham commanded by George Vancouver, esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been traced and determined from lat: 45⁰, 30ʹ N. and long. 236⁰, 12ʹ E. to lat: 52⁰, 15ʹ N. and long. 232⁰, 40ʹ E. at the different periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America : with the tracks of His Majesty's sloop Discovery and armed tender Chatham commanded by George Vancouver, esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been traced and determined from lat: 45⁰, 30ʹ N. and long. 236⁰, 12ʹ E. to lat: 52⁰, 15ʹ N. and long. 232⁰, 40ʹ E. at the different periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America : with the tracks of His Majesty's sloop Discovery and armed tender Chatham commanded by George Vancouver, esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been traced and determined from lat: 45⁰,30ʹ N. and long. 236⁰,12ʹ E. to lat: 52⁰,15ʹ N. and long. 232⁰,40ʹ E. at the different periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America. With the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham.  Commanded by George Vancouver, Esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 57⁰,07ʹ 1/2 N. and long. 227⁰,00ʹ E. to lat. 59⁰,59ʹ N. and long. 219⁰,00ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the track ; engraved by T. Foot