
Search Results

[West Shore]
[Victoria Town - incomplete map from circa 1858]
[Trail to Kootenie from Fort Shepherd]
[Trail to Kootanais]
[Town of Victoria]
[Town of Victoria]
[Reserve near Nicola Lake, C]
[Reserve near Nicola Lake, B]
[Reserve near Nicola Lake, A]
[Reserve and trails along Deadman's Creek]
[Reserve and trails along Bonaparte River]
[Redstone Flat, between Alexis Creek and Tatla Lake on the Chilanko River. Sketch removed from a field notebook.]
[Proposed new Songhees Indian Reserve, Esquimalt District, Plan 01] [tracing]
[Plan with respect to anticipated railway and town development by the Grand Trunk Pacific Town and Development Company Limited in Range 5, Coast District.]
[Plan of] of Indian Reserves in the Lytton Land District and on the Similkamen and Spellum-cheen Rivers [tracing]
[Plan of] Tsowessen Indian Reserve [Tsawassen]
[Plan of] Sooke Indian Reserves
[Plan of] Skwawmish Indian Reserves, Coast District [Plan Number: 14T-IR (New Westminster)]
[Plan of] Skwawmish Indian Reserves, Coast District [Plan Number: 13T-IR (New Westminster)]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2 [tracing]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2 [original]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 1, Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2, Adams Lake Indian Reserve, and Kamloops Indian Reserve [tracing]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 1, Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2, Adams Lake Indian Reserve, and Kamloops Indian Reserve [original]
[Plan of] Saanich Indian Reserves
[Plan of] Reserves Similkameen District [tracing]
[Plan of] Reserves Similkameen District [original]
[Plan of] Nanaimo Indian Reserves
[Plan of] Katzie Indian Reserve, Wanack Indian Reserve, Matzquee Indian Reserve A, Matzquee Indian Reserve B [tracing]
[Plan of] Katzie Indian Reserve, Wanack Indian Reserve, Matzquee Indian Reserve A, Matzquee Indian Reserve B [original]
[Plan of] Katzie Indian Reserve [Fraser River]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Penel-a-kut Indians
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Nanoose Indians and Qualicum Indians
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Nanaimo
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Hal-alt Indians
[Plan of] Indian Reserves situated on or near Fraser River in the Lytton District [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves situated on or near Fraser River in the Lytton District [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves in the Lytton Land District and on the Similkamen and Spellum-cheen Rivers [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves in the Lytton Land District and on the Similkamen and Spellum-cheen Rivers [mylar copy]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Saanich [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Saanich [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Kamloops [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Kamloops [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chil-luk-wey-uk River [Chilliwack] [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chil-luk-wey-uk River [Chilliwack] [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chemanius [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chemanius [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Burrard Inlet [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Burrard Inlet [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserve Cowichan
[Plan of] Comox Indian Reserves
[Plan of] Bonaparte Indians [tracing]
[Plan of] Bonaparte Indians [original]
[Plan of two pre-emptions on unnamed Indian Reserve on Fraser River]
[Plan of the Sechelt Indian Reserves, Coast District [Plan Number: 18T-IR (New Westminster)]]
[Plan of proposed new Songhees Indian Reserve, Esquimalt District, Plan 01] [original]
[Plan of Puget Sound Co. Property Near Victoria: North of Portage Inlet]
[Plan of James Bay Reserve]
[Plan of Indian Reserves on the Nass between Kitwillweshilt and Kitlacdamax]
[Plan of Indian Reserves on the Fraser including Katzie, Matzquee A and B, and Wanack]
[Plan No. 9 of] Nicoman Indian Reserves, Yale District [tracing]
[Plan No. 8 of] Skackan Indian Reserve, Nicola, Yale District [tracing 02]
[Plan No. 8 of] Skackan Indian Reserve, Nicola, Yale District [tracing 01]
[Plan No. 3 of the] Commonage Reserve, Douglas Lake, Yale District
[Plan No. 10 of] Indian Reserve, Nicola, Yale District [tracing]
[Part of trail from Bute Inlet to Alexandria and Lake Tatla]
[Land Survey South of James Bay, Site for Government Buildings]
[Kootenay Lake to Sinclair Pass]
[Inlailawatash Indian Reserve], New Westminster District
[Government Reserves Nos. 8-9]
[Government Reserves Nos. 6-7]
[Government Reserves Nos. 4-5]
[Government Reserves Nos. 1-3]
[Country around Lac La Hache]
[Chilukweyuk River from Chilukweyuk Lake to Fraser River and Sumass Lake]
[Anderson Lake, Lillooet, Pemberton Portage]
Yale, British Columbia (1861)
Wytschaete trench map
Water supplies at Esquimalt, Saanich Inlet & the Cowitchin Country roughly sketched
Washington Sound and Approaches, Washington Territory
Views of parts of the coast of North West America
Views of parts of the Coast of North West America
Victoria, British Columbia [Fire Insurance Plans]
Victoria Town
Victoria Harbour by the Officers of H.M.S. Plumper
Victoria Harbour
Victoria Harbour
Victoria District. Section I. Lot No 2.
Victoria District. Lot 24 Section XVIII - Victoria Harbour
Victoria District. Lot 24 Section XVIII - 02
Victoria District. Lot 24 Section XVIII - 01
Victoria District, Lot No. 4 Section III.
Victoria District Official Map
Victoria District Lot 24 Section XVIII, Tracing No. 01
Victoria District & Part of Esquimalt
Victoria District
Victoria & Pugetsound Districts Sheet No. 03
Victoria & Pugetsound Districts Sheet No. 02
Victoria & Pugetsound Districts Sheet No. 01
Vancouvers Island