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  • 1. Wytschaete trench map

  • 2. Lens trench map

  • 3. Belgium and part of France - Neuve-Église, Messines ("B" Series) Sheet 28 S.W.

  • 4. France - Harbonnières enemy sector organization

  • 5. A History of the Gordon Head Campus Land from 11,000 B.C. to 1970

  • 6. South Eastern districts of Vancouver Island

  • 7. Comiaken District, Vancouver Island Colony

  • 8. Cedar District, Vancouver Island Colony (rough sketch)

  • 9. Map of Victoria and part of Esquimalt Districts (1861)

  • 10. Carta Esferica de los Reconocimientos hechos en la Costa N. O. de America en 1791 y 92 por las Goletas sutil, y Mexicana y otros Buques de S.M.

  • 11. Gold Regions of the Fraser River and Cariboo Country, British Columbia, from reconnaissance by the Honourable Judge Begbie (1861)

  • 12. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 3]

  • 13. San Juan boundary dispute maps [map B]

  • 14. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 20]

  • 15. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 8]

  • 16. Map of British Columbia to the 56th Parallel North Latitude

  • 17. British Columbia, showing carriage roads completed, in progress, and proposed

  • 18. Provinces of British Columbia and Vancouver Island; with portions of the United States and Hudson's Bay Territories

  • 19. Chart shewing part of the Coast of N.W. America with the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham, Commanded by George Vancouver Esq. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 51 45ʹ N. and long. 232 08ʹ E. to lat. 57 30ʹ N. and long. 226 44ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.

  • 20. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 14]

  • 21. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 17]

  • 22. Esquimalt & Victoria Harbours

  • 23. Defences of Esquimalt & Victoria Harbors, proposed battery at Beacon Hill, plan F

  • 24. British Columbia, coast lines from Admiralty charts, interior from explorations by Royal Engineers and others up to 1862. North of Fraser River from Mr. Arrowsmith, East of Columbia River from Captain Palliser (1862)

  • 25. Vancouver Island : track chart of HMS Scout 9-12 August 1866 showing her grounding off Nootka Island

  • 26. Shawnigan District (1859)

  • 27. Strait of Juan de Fuca and the channels between the continent & Vancouver Id. showing the boundary line between British & American possessions

  • 28. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 35]

  • 29. Strait of Juan de Fuca and the channels between Vancouver Id. & the continent, showing the boundary line between British & American possessions

  • 30. Map of Vancouver Island and the adjacent coast from King's Island to the mouth of the Columbia River

  • 31. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 2]

  • 32. San Juan boundary dispute maps [map J]

  • 33. Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America. With the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham. Commanded by George Vancouver, Esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 57⁰,07ʹ 1/2 N. and long. 227⁰,00ʹ E. to lat. 59⁰,59ʹ N. and long. 219⁰,00ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the track ; engraved by T. Foot

  • 34. Plan of the City of Vancouver, Western Terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway

  • 35. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 21]

  • 36. Archipelago of Arro, Gulf of Georgia, Ringgold's Channel and Straits of Fuca, Oregon Territory

  • 37. San Juan boundary dispute maps [map F]

  • 38. Sketch of Ahouset. Lat. 49 12N. Long. 126 12W. (Variation estimated 19 40 E.)

  • 39. Strait of Juan de Fuca surveyed by Captain Henry Kellett, R.N., 1847, Haro & Rosario Straits by Captain G.H. Richards, R.N. 1858, Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound by the United States exploring expedition, 1841, coast south of Cape Flattery by the same in 1853

  • 40. Carta reducida que comprehende parte de la Costa Septentrional de California, corregida y enmendata hasta la Boca del Estrecho de Fuca, y levantado el Plano el en la Espedicion que se hizo con la Balandra de S.M. nombrado la Princesa Rl al mando del Alferez de Navio de la Rl Armada Dn. Manuel Quimper en el ano de 1790

  • 41. Queen Charlotte Islands and adjacent Coasts of British Columbia

  • 42. San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 39]

  • 43. British Columbia, reduced copy of the map referred to in the despatch of Governor Douglas of 16 July 1861

  • 44. Vancouver Island and adjacent shores of British Columbia

  • 45. Map of the Districts of Victoria and Esquimalt in Vancouver Island

  • 46. Reduced map of a portion of British Columbia, compiled from the surveys and explorations of the Royal Navy and Royal Engineers at the camp New Westminster, 24 Nov 1859

  • 47. Strait of Juan de Fuca

  • 48. Thompson River District, from a Map in the possession of H. E. Gov. Douglas, C.B., made in 1835 by S. Black, Esq., Hudson's Bay Company's service. The positions of New Westminster, Douglas & Hope, are those determined by the Royal Engineers

  • 49. British Columbia. Coast lines from Admiralty Charts, interior from Explorations by Royal Engineers and others up to 1862. North of Fraser River from Mr. Arrowsmith. East of Columbia River from Captain Palliser

  • 50. Eye Sketch of the Plains & about Nisqually at the Head of Pugets Sound