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Fernwood Then and Now: Community Green Map
A History of the Gordon Head Campus Land from 11,000 B.C. to 1970
Plan of Soda Creek Indian Reserves, Cariboo District
Fraser River Estuary heritage and archaeological sites
Sketch-map of the worker-peasant Red Army's Long March (中国工农红军长征示意图)
[Plan with respect to anticipated railway and town development by the Grand Trunk Pacific Town and Development Company Limited in Range 5, Coast District.]
[Plan of] Tsowessen Indian Reserve [Tsawassen]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2 [tracing]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2 [original]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 1, Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2, Adams Lake Indian Reserve, and Kamloops Indian Reserve [tracing]
[Plan of] Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 1, Shushwap Indian Reserve No. 2, Adams Lake Indian Reserve, and Kamloops Indian Reserve [original]
[Plan of] Reserves Similkameen District [tracing]
[Plan of] Katzie Indian Reserve, Wanack Indian Reserve, Matzquee Indian Reserve A, Matzquee Indian Reserve B [tracing]
[Plan of] Katzie Indian Reserve, Wanack Indian Reserve, Matzquee Indian Reserve A, Matzquee Indian Reserve B [original]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves, Nanaimo
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chemanius [tracing]
[Plan of] Indian Reserves Chemanius [original]
[Plan of] Bonaparte Indians [tracing]
[Plan of] Bonaparte Indians [original]
[Plan of Indian Reserves on the Nass between Kitwillweshilt and Kitlacdamax]
[Plan of Indian Reserves on the Fraser including Katzie, Matzquee A and B, and Wanack]
[Inlailawatash Indian Reserve], New Westminster District
Victoria Harbour
Victoria Fire Insurance Plans
Victoria District. Section I. Lot No 2.
The neighbourhood of Victoria
Rough Tracing of Plan of the Fort and adjacent Property
Plan of the Subdivision of Victoria District Section No. XXXI The Property of the Hon the Hudson Bay Co
Plan of the Southern Portion of the Tsimpsean Indian Reserve No. 2 and Finlayson Island Indian Reserve
Plan of Sooke District Vancouver Island. Sheet 02
Plan of Sooke District Vancouver Island. Sheet 01
Plan of Proposed Addition to Indian Reserve West Kootenay District
Plan of Nicoaamen Reserve, S'que-aam Reserve, Klat-waas Reserve, Sumass Reserve Upper [selected tracings from Plan of Indian Reserves on Fraser River and Sloughs]
Plan of Indian Reserves on Fraser River and Sloughs (Scowlitz Reserve, Nicoaamen Reserve, S'que-aam Reserve, Klat-waas Reserve, Sumass Reserve No. 1 and Sumass Reserve No. 2, Sumass Reserve (Upper), Matzqui Reserve No. 1, Matzqui Reserve No. 2, Wha-nock Reserve, Katzie Reserve) [tracing]
Plan of Indian Reserves on Fraser River and Sloughs (Scowlitz Reserve, Nicoaamen Reserve, S'que-aam Reserve, Klat-waas Reserve, Sumass Reserve No. 1 and Sumass Reserve No. 2, Sumass Reserve (Upper), Matzqui Reserve No. 1, Matzqui Reserve No. 2, Wha-nock Reserve, Katzie Reserve) [original]
Plan of Indian Reserves from Pavilion to Dutchman's Bar on the Fraser River as shown on Hydrographic Office Map
Plan of Indian Reserves Musqueam and Chehalis [tracing]
Plan of Indian Reserves Musqueam and Chehalis [original]
Plan of Indian Reserve at mouth of Chilakweyak River [Chilliwack] [original]
Plan of Government Buildings and surrounding area
Plan of Fort Simpson Indian Reserve [tracing]
Plan of Fort Simpson Indian Reserve [original]
Plan note
No. 5. Church reserve, parsonage, public cemetery
No. 2. Police Barracks and Prison Lot
Miles up North Thompson River
Lots surrounding Fort Victoria
Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia: Indian Reserve Maps
Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia: Early British Columbia Maps
Hudson's Bay Company Maps
Esquimalt District, Official Map, 1858
Early British Columbia Maps
Diagram of Victoria region areas
British Columbia Historical Maps
Bridge over Rowe Stream
Barclay Sound, Ohiet Indians Reserve No. 1
France - Harbonnières enemy sector organization
Lens trench map
Wytschaete trench map
Insurance Plan of Victoria. British Columbia. Volume III
France - Rosières (combined sheet 62C/66E)
Belgium and part of France - Neuve-Église, Messines ("B" Series) Sheet 28 S.W.
France - Hèbuterne
Insurance Plan of victoria. British Columbia. Volume II
Insurance Plan of Victoria. British Columbia. Volume I
Belgium and France - Ypres (Sheet 28)
Plan of Proposed Songhees Reserve, Esquimalt District, Plan 02 [tracing]
Plan of Proposed Songhees Reserve, Esquimalt District, Plan 02 [original]
Plan of Part of Proposed Songhees' Reserve, Plan 03 [tracing]
Plan of Part of Proposed Songhees' Reserve, Plan 03 [original]
Plan of Part of Proposed Songhees' Reserve, Plan 03 [copy 02 of tracing]
Plan of Part of Proposed Songhees' Reserve, Plan 03 [copy 01 of tracing]
[Proposed new Songhees Indian Reserve, Esquimalt District, Plan 01] [tracing]
[Plan of proposed new Songhees Indian Reserve, Esquimalt District, Plan 01] [original]
Plan No. 1 of the Nemaiah Valley Indian Reserves, Coast District
Vancouver Island and adjacent shores of British Columbia
Queen Charlotte Islands and adjacent Coasts of British Columbia
Hand-coloured Indian Reserves on Plan including Kincolith, Red Cliff, Stony Park, Lach-kel-tsap, etc. along the Nass River, Observatory Inlet and Portland Canal
Vancouver Island. Victoria Harbour
Port Simpson and adjacent Anchorages
Esquimalt & Victoria Harbours
Vancouver Island. Nanaimo Harbour
Plan of the Esquimalt Indian Reserve, Esquimalt District [tracing]
Plan of the Esquimalt Indian Reserve, Esquimalt District [original]
Plan No. 2 of the Cowichan Indian Reserves, Cowichan District
Plan No. 4 of the Sechelt Indian Reserves, New Westminster District
Plan No. 2 of the Pemberton Indian Reserves, Lillooet District
Map of the Northern Interior of British Columbia, shewing undeveloped areas
Plan of the Ulkatcho Indian Reserve, Coast District [Tracing]
Plan of the Ulkatcho Indian Reserve, Coast District [Original]
Plan of the Tahltan Indian Reserves, Cassiar District
Plan of the Lakelse Indian Reserves, Coast District
Plan of the Kluskus Indian Reserves, Coast District
Plan No. 8 of the Nass River Indian Reserves, Cassiar District
Plan No. 3 of the Tsimpsean Indian Reserves, Coast District
Plan No. 2 of the Pacheena Indian Reserves, Renfrew District
Plan No. 2 of the Douglas Indian Reserves, New Westminster District
Insurance Plan of Victoria, British Columbia
Esquimalt Harbour
Plan of the Arrow Lake Indian Reserve, West Kootenay District