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"the king is not yet death ..."
A dog and two ducks
A log drive in Cowichan Valley, British Columbia
Aerial photograph of farmlands and roads [from Railroad Going North?]
Candid photograph of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau
Contact sheet of Elza Mayhew's exhibition reception
Contact sheet of Karl Spreitz exhibition choices, annotated
Contact sheet of Limners' small basement exhibition
Contact sheet of man and woman dressed in Shakespearean attire [from Shakespeare 400?]
Dog chained inside a decrepit car [in Austria?]
Elza Mayhew's small sculptures
Empty chair in Richard Ciccimarra's studio
Football team photograph in Austria
From Harddrive Einstein
Group portrait in Government House, film crew, with Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, BC Premier Bill Bennett, and Karl Spreitz, with unidentified dignitaries
Helga and Jan Grove entering Elza Mayhew's studio
Herbert Siebner in graveyard with art
Herbert Siebner scratching head, smiling
Herbert Siebner, Robert Skelton and others in kitchen
Herbert Siebner, Robin Skelton, Helga Grove, Myfanwy Pavelic, and Colin Graham in Elza Mayhew's studio
Herbert Siebner, in robe, with painting
Installation of Karl Spreitz and Herbert Siebner exhibition at Utley's Gallery
Karl Spreitz (right) as a boy in Austria, with two unidentified children
Karl Spreitz and BC MLA Grace McCarthy with the Royal Hudson in background
Karl Spreitz and Godfrey Stephens with Weeping Cedar Woman
Karl Spreitz and Ina Mayer von Bojan as cooks aboard freighter
Karl Spreitz and unidentified man film from dogsled pulled by huskies
Karl Spreitz and unidentified woman in front of a white backdrop
Karl Spreitz as a toddler
Karl Spreitz beside Royal Hudson train, reviewing film material
Karl Spreitz filming a large crowd from aboard the Royal Hudson
Karl Spreitz filming in Bali
Karl Spreitz filming log drive
Karl Spreitz holding video camera on a rocky shore
Karl Spreitz in Bali, Indonesia, standing beneath a building's overhang, dressed in local garments
Karl Spreitz in a cave with helmet and video camera
Karl Spreitz in basement studio
Karl Spreitz in film studio
Karl Spreitz in fishing boat with salmon catch
Karl Spreitz in geometric sweater
Karl Spreitz in group portrait naval officers and cadets, HMCS Quadra
Karl Spreitz location scouting for BC Film Commission above Salmon Glacier near Stewart, B.C.
Karl Spreitz posing with phone at a BC Tel phone booth
Karl Spreitz self-portrait with art work
Karl Spreitz self-portrait, with glasses hanging around neck
Karl Spreitz standing with car parked in front of abandoned train tunnel
Karl Spreitz with motion picture camera aboard Royal Hudson train car
Karl Spreitz with painted portrait by Myfanwy Pavelic
Karl Spreitz's apartment
Karl Spreitz's storage room
Karl Spreitz's storage room with film canisters, art, and furniture
Karl sitting on desk in film studio
Limners' art exhibition attended by a large crowd
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Male athlete in gymnastic pose
Male athlete performs a leap
Male shot putter performing put
Maxwell Bates with cigarette
Maxwell Bates' 70th birthday party, guests dressed as figures from Spreitz's paintings
Men of Limners, and friends
Myfanwy Pavelic in studio
Myfanwy Pavelic in studio, in front of painting
Myfanwy Pavelic on the phone
Niki Pavelic at Maxwell Bates' 70th birthday party
Offerings in White and Gold
Page from album, Karl Spreitz and Ina Mayer von Bojan
Page from album, [Ina Mayor von Bojan?] with luggage, unidentified groups
Page from album, various views of freighters and docks
Photo collage of Karl Spreitz and Herbert Siebner
Photograph of waterfall for Beautiful British Columbia Magazine
Photographer Jim Ryan at art exhibition
Portrait of Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin in Myfanwy Pavelic's studio, standing in front of easel
Portrait of Herbert Siebner with dog
Portrait of Max Bates with painting "Kindergarten"
Portraits of Robin Skelton with wife Sylvia, and with daughter Allison
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in Myfanwy Pavelic's studio, seated at drafting desk
Richard Ciccimarra in studio, backlit by window
Robert de Castro inside hollow Douglas fir as Don't Man from "Don't"
Robin Skelton in Karl Spreitz exhibition
Section of motion picture film, scene of Richard Ciccimarra fly-fishing
Self-portrait of a young Karl Spreitz, headshot, looking towards top-right corner
Sports team portrait with trophy
The Limners
Untitled [digital collage of Karl Spreitz's self-portrait]
Untitled [digital photographic collage of Richard Ciccimarra at work in studio]
Untitled [figure skateboarding]
Wall of Karl's paintings at The Maples Gallery
Woman on porch regarding a display of paintings
Yehudi Menuhin with violin