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1. Audrey Alexandra Brown visits her home town
- Subject:
- Canadian poetry, Authors, Canadian, Brown, Audrey Alexandra, 1904-1998, and Canadian literature
- Creator:
- Nanaimo Daily Free Press
- Publisher:
- Nanimo Daily Free Press
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- February 12, 1969
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Extent:
- 1 clipping
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638,-123.94003
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Audrey Alexandra Brown Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- newspaper clippings
- Archival Item Identifier:
- 2.31
- Fonds Title:
- Audrey Alexandra Brown fonds
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC335
- Is Referenced By:
- Finding aid for archival fonds:
- Date Digitized:
- 2012-10-27
- Technical Note:
- metadata by GF and KD, 600 dpi tiff, and 600 dpi jpg
2. B.C. Voice, Vol. 08, No. 02 (November, 1971)
- Alternative Title:
- The B.C. Voice, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, The BC VOW Newsletter, Voice of Women, BC, B.C. Voice of Women, and BC Voice of Women
- Subject:
- Women's rights, Women--Economic conditions, Women--Societies and clubs, Women--Social conditions, Feminism, Women, Women and war, Sex discrimination against women, Nuclear disarmament, and Women--Legal status, laws, etc.
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- November 1971
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 6 pages ; 35.5 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- newsletters, periodicals, serials (publications), and publications (documents)
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR439 and AR076
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- I .C.VOICE Deeno's Me~sage: Pres. Sec..*Treas.~2~ Honaimo Membership, BO'i ~2.12 1 Courtenay Editor: 843 'Prospect H·orth Vat)! November \'171, Vol.8, N.o.2 Dear Friendsa It was heartening to see such a large contingent from B.C. at the Banff' meeting: 21 in all...
3. B.C. Voice, Vol. 09, No. 06 (April, 1973)
- Alternative Title:
- B.C. Voice of Women, The BC VOW Newsletter, Voice of Women, BC, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, The B.C. Voice, and BC Voice of Women
- Subject:
- Women's rights, Women and war, Nuclear disarmament, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Women--Social conditions, Women--Societies and clubs, Sex discrimination against women, Feminism, Women, and Women--Economic conditions
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- April 1973
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Still Image
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 10 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- serials (publications), periodicals, publications (documents), and newsletters
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- rBRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREAS. , BOX 235 NANAIMO. MIDU3. SEC. BOX 321 2 COURTENAY = %: ~X l<J7lf Why Bother About NORAD? . '1-h'D In mid-May the NORAD agreement comes up for another 4-year re- newal. The government hopes to slither quietly into another 4 of' mi...
4. B.C. Voice, Vol. 10, No. 01 (June, 1973)
- Alternative Title:
- The B.C. VOW Newsletter, B.C. Voice of Women, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, Voice of Women, BC, The B.C. Voice, and The BC VOW Newsletter
- Subject:
- Women and war, Women--Economic conditions, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Women--Societies and clubs, Women, Feminism, Women's rights, Nuclear disarmament, Women--Social conditions, and Sex discrimination against women
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- June 1973
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Still Image
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 10 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638, -123.94003 and 53.99983, -125.0032
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled ; bottom of pages 7/8 torn off
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- periodicals, serials (publications), newsletters, and publications (documents)
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR439 and AR076
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREAS,, BOX 235 NANAIMO, - Ilill B. C • VOW =u. NEWSLETTER ~qw·~ Published Vfo5 ; Every 2 months - ;,.....,;_;..:;::. by BC VOICE OF WOMEN :;:_ · \:;~-~--BOX 235, NANAIMO,BC :::= Vol 10, No.1 .....c.- Jpne 1973 - · I1EHB. SII:C. BOX 3212 COU...
5. B.C. Voice, Vol. 10, No. 02 (October, 1973)
- Alternative Title:
- BC Voice of Women, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, The B.C. Voice, The BC VOW Newsletter, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, B.C. Voice of Women, and Voice of Women, BC
- Subject:
- Women, Women and war, Sex discrimination against women, Nuclear disarmament, Feminism, Women--Social conditions, Women--Societies and clubs, Women--Economic conditions, Women's rights, and Women--Legal status, laws, etc.
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- October 1973
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Still Image
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 10 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638, -123.94003 and 53.99983, -125.0032
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- newsletters, serials (publications), publications (documents), and periodicals
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR439 and AR076
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- .. :::=:==============:-\ PrlES., EDITOR c: TH~AS., BOX 235 lTANAIMO. )-lliHB . S1':C . 12L~ E. KINGS RD., N. VAN; ----==-==---=---- _,,,' r _________ --::. ___________ ?-:--s::""-=----~~\,,,.----- ==- - - ---- - - - d \ \ ) r /'>._ S \.:. -~\/ ;:: I I --,__I ,-; f'...
6. B.C. Voice, Vol. 10, No. 05 (April, 1974)
- Alternative Title:
- The B.C. Voice, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, The BC VOW Newsletter, B.C. Voice of Women, Voice of Women, BC, and Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter
- Subject:
- Women--Economic conditions, Women, Women--Social conditions, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Women--Societies and clubs, Women and war, Sex discrimination against women, Nuclear disarmament, Feminism, and Women's rights
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- April 1974
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 10 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- serials (publications), newsletters, publications (documents), and periodicals
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol.10., No,5 April 1974 THE B.c~ THE B,C. VOW NEWSLETTER, published every 2 months by B.C. VOICE OF WOJ:vIEN PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREASURER: Box 235, Nanaimo., B.C., V9R 5K9 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: 124 E. Kings Road, North Vancouver, B.C. V7N 1H5 ----=---============...
7. B.C. Voice, Vol. 11, No. 02 (August-September, 1974)
- Alternative Title:
- The B.C. Voice, BC Voice of Women, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, The BC VOW Newsletter, B.C. Voice of Women, Voice of Women, BC, and Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter
- Subject:
- Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Sex discrimination against women, Feminism, Women, Women's rights, Women and war, Women--Social conditions, Women--Societies and clubs, Women--Economic conditions, and Nuclear disarmament
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- August 1974 to September 1974
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 9 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638, -123.94003 and 53.99983, -125.0032
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- serials (publications), publications (documents), newsletters, and periodicals
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- THE : 8.C. THE B.C. VOW NEWSLETTER, published every 2 months by B.C. VOICE OF WOMEN PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREASURER: BOX 235 NANAIMO, B.C. V9R 5K9 .. MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: 124 E. Kings Road, North Vancouver, B.C. V7N 1H5 =======================-=========================...
8. B.C. Voice, Vol. 11, No. 03 (November-December, 1974)
- Alternative Title:
- The B.C. VOW Newsletter, The B.C. Voice, B.C. Voice of Women, The BC VOW Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, Voice of Women, BC, and Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter
- Subject:
- Women, Women--Societies and clubs, Women's rights, Nuclear disarmament, Feminism, Women--Economic conditions, Women and war, Women--Social conditions, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., and Sex discrimination against women
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- November 1974 to December 1974
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 10 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- publications (documents), periodicals, serials (publications), and newsletters
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Nov.-Dec. '74 -===· PRES~, ED., & TREAS.? BOX 235 NANAIMO; MEMB.SEC. 124 E. Kings Rd. N. Van. ---------------~---------===- . -==-============ ~~======================== WHAT DOES INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S YEAR MEAN TO VOICE OF WOMEN?-~M. Stewart Do you get tired of exp...
9. B.C. Voice, Vol. 11, No. 04 (March, 1975)
- Alternative Title:
- BC Voice of Women, B.C. Voice of Women, Voice of Women, BC, The BC VOW Newsletter, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, The B.C. Voice, and Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter
- Subject:
- Women's rights, Women, Women--Social conditions, Nuclear disarmament, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Sex discrimination against women, Women--Economic conditions, Women--Societies and clubs, Women and war, and Feminism
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- March 1975
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 6 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- newsletters, publications (documents), serials (publications), and periodicals
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol.11, No .. 4 March 1975 · THE B.C. THE B.C. VOW NEWSLETTER , p1..1..blished every 2 months by B.C. VOICE OF WOMEN PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREASURER: BOX 235 NANAIMO, B. C. · V9R 5K9 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: 124 E. Kings Road, North Vancouver, B.C. V7N 1H5 ----------=--...
10. B.C. Voice, Vol. 12, No. 02 (July, 1977)
- Alternative Title:
- BC Voice of Women, Voice of Women, BC, The BC VOW Newsletter, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, The B.C. Voice, B.C. Voice of Women, and The B.C. VOW Newsletter
- Subject:
- Nuclear disarmament, Women's rights, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Feminism, Women--Societies and clubs, Women, Sex discrimination against women, Women--Social conditions, Women and war, and Women--Economic conditions
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- July 1977
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 9 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638, -123.94003 and 53.99983, -125.0032
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- periodicals, publications (documents), serials (publications), and newsletters
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol.13, No.2 July 1977 THE B.C. THE B.C. VOW lillWSLETTER, published.every 2 months by B.C. VOICE OF WOMEN PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREASURER: BOX 235 NANAIMO, B. C • V9R 5K9 s HEMBERS.HIP CHAIRMAN: 4107 W. 13th AVE., VAMCOTNER, B.C., V6R 2T5 ~ NEWI . -----------=-====...
11. B.C. Voice, Vol. 12, No. 05 (October, 1976)
- Alternative Title:
- Voice of Women, BC, The B.C. Voice, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, B.C. Voice of Women, and The BC VOW Newsletter
- Subject:
- Women, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Women and war, Women--Economic conditions, Women's rights, Women--Social conditions, Nuclear disarmament, Sex discrimination against women, Women--Societies and clubs, and Feminism
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- October 1976
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- periodicals, serials (publications), publications (documents), and newsletters
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- , THE B.C. Vol .12, No. Oct. 1976 THE B. C. VOW NEWSLETTER, published every 2 months by B. C. VOICE OF WOMEN PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREASURER~ BOX 235 J\TANAIMO, B.C. V9R 5K9 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN~ 124 E. KINGS ROAD, NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C. V7N 1H.5 ===================...
12. B.C. Voice, Vol. 12, No. 06 (December, 1976)
- Alternative Title:
- The BC VOW Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, Voice of Women, BC, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, B.C. Voice of Women, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, and The B.C. Voice
- Subject:
- Sex discrimination against women, Women, Women--Societies and clubs, Women--Economic conditions, Feminism, Women's rights, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Women--Social conditions, Women and war, and Nuclear disarmament
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- December 1976
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638, -123.94003 and 53.99983, -125.0032
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- serials (publications), newsletters, publications (documents), and periodicals
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR439 and AR076
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol.12, No.6 Dec. 1976 THE B.C • . THE B. C. VOW NEWSLETTER , pt1.blished every 2 months by B . C. VOIC:a: OF WOlYIEN PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREASURER: BOX 235, HANAIMO, B . C. V9R 5K9 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRHAN : 124 E. KI NGS ROAD, NORTH VANCOUVER, B.C. V7N 1H5 =-=-===-=...
13. B.C. Voice, Vol. 13, No. 01 (February, 1977)
- Alternative Title:
- Voice of Women, BC, The BC VOW Newsletter, B.C. Voice of Women, BC Voice of Women, The B.C. Voice, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, and The B.C. VOW Newsletter
- Subject:
- Sex discrimination against women, Women--Social conditions, Feminism, Women and war, Women--Societies and clubs, Women's rights, Nuclear disarmament, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Women--Economic conditions, and Women
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- February 1977
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Still Image
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- publications (documents), newsletters, serials (publications), and periodicals
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR439 and AR076
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol. 13, No. 1 Feb. 1977 THE B.C. VOW NEWSLETTER, published every 2 months by B.C. VOICE OF WOMEN PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREASURER: BOX235, NANAIMO, B.C. V9R 5K9 Membership Chairman: 124 Kings Road, North Vancouver, B.C. V7N 1H5 -==~==========------------=----==-==--==...
14. B.C. Voice, Vol. 13, No. 04 (February, 1978)
- Alternative Title:
- BC Voice of Women, B.C. Voice of Women, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, Voice of Women, BC, The B.C. Voice, and The BC VOW Newsletter
- Subject:
- Women and war, Women, Women--Social conditions, Nuclear disarmament, Women--Societies and clubs, Sex discrimination against women, Women's rights, Feminism, Women--Economic conditions, and Women--Legal status, laws, etc.
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- February 1978
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Still Image
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638, -123.94003 and 53.99983, -125.0032
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- publications (documents), serials (publications), newsletters, and periodicals
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol.13, No.If- Feb. 1978 a.c. THE B.C. VOW NEWSLETTER, published every 2 months by B.C. VOICE OF WOMEN PRESIDENT, EDITOR & TREASURER: Box 235_, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: 4107 W. 13th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V6R 2T5 P R E S I D E N ~ ' M E S S A G...
15. B.C. Voice, Vol. 13, No. 04 (November, 1977)
- Alternative Title:
- Voice of Women, BC, B.C. Voice of Women, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, The BC VOW Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, and The B.C. Voice
- Subject:
- Feminism, Sex discrimination against women, Nuclear disarmament, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Women--Economic conditions, Women's rights, Women, Women--Social conditions, Women--Societies and clubs, and Women and war
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- November 1977
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Still Image
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled ; issue was originally numbered v13n3 but the 3 was struck through and 4 added in pencil.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- publications (documents), serials (publications), periodicals, and newsletters
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- , Vol.13, No.J'f, Nov. 1977 THE B.c. vow NEWSLETTER, published every 2 months -by ·.B.C. VOICE or· WOMEN PRESIDENT:, EDITOR &:TREASURER: BOX 235 NANAIMO, B.C. V9R 5K9 MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: . 4,107 W. 13th AVE .• , VANCOUVER, B.C., V6R 2T5 .p RESIDENT i S MESS AGE ...
16. B.C. Voice, Vol. 13, No. 05 (April, 1978)
- Alternative Title:
- B.C. Voice of Women, The B.C. Voice, Voice of Women, BC, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, and The BC VOW Newsletter
- Subject:
- Women--Economic conditions, Sex discrimination against women, Women and war, Feminism, Women--Societies and clubs, Women's rights, Nuclear disarmament, Women, Women--Social conditions, and Women--Legal status, laws, etc.
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- April 1978
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- periodicals, serials (publications), newsletters, and publications (documents)
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- / THE B.C. J t . v I Vol.13, No. 5 ·· ' April, 1978 ~HE B.C. VOW NEWSLETTER, published every 2 months by B.C. Voice of Women Pres:3.dent, Editor & Treasurer: Box 235, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 Membership Chairman: 4107 w. 13th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6R 2T5 COgRE...
17. B.C. Voice, Vol. 13, No. 06 (June, 1978)
- Alternative Title:
- B.C. Voice of Women, The BC VOW Newsletter, The B.C. Voice, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, and Voice of Women, BC
- Subject:
- Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Feminism, Women and war, Women--Social conditions, Women--Economic conditions, Women--Societies and clubs, Women's rights, Nuclear disarmament, Women, and Sex discrimination against women
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- June 1978
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Still Image
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- publications (documents), serials (publications), periodicals, and newsletters
- Fonds Title:
- Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence and Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR439 and AR076
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- THE n~c. THE B.C. VOW NEWSLETTER, published every 2 months by B.C. Voice of Women President, Editor & Treasurer: Box 235, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 Membership Chairman: 938 West 16th Street, North Vancouver, B.C. V7P lRJ Dear Voice of Women Members and Friends: ISSN ...
18. B.C. Voice, Vol. 14, No. 01 (August-September, 1978)
- Alternative Title:
- B.C. Voice of Women, The B.C. Voice, The BC VOW Newsletter, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, Voice of Women, BC, Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, and BC Voice of Women
- Subject:
- Women--Economic conditions, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Feminism, Sex discrimination against women, Women's rights, Women, Women--Societies and clubs, Women--Social conditions, Nuclear disarmament, and Women and war
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- August 1978 to September 1978
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Still Image
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638, -123.94003 and 53.99983, -125.0032
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- periodicals, newsletters, publications (documents), and serials (publications)
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR439 and AR076
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol. 14, No. 1 Aug-Sept 1978 =------------------------=======================================--=---:= The ~.C. VOW ~ewsletter; approx. 6 issues yearly by B.C;.Voice of Women President, Editor and Treasurer: Box 235, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K9 Membership Chairman: 938 _w....
19. B.C. Voice, Vol. 14, No. 02 (December, 1978-January, 1979)
- Alternative Title:
- Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, The BC VOW Newsletter, The B.C. Voice, BC Voice of Women, B.C. Voice of Women, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, and Voice of Women, BC
- Subject:
- Nuclear disarmament, Women--Societies and clubs, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Feminism, Sex discrimination against women, Women's rights, Women--Economic conditions, Women--Social conditions, Women and war, and Women
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- December 1978 to January 1979
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 10 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia--Nanaimo and British Columbia
- Coordinates:
- 53.99983, -125.0032 and 49.16638, -123.94003
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- publications (documents), periodicals, serials (publications), and newsletters
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR076 and AR439
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol. 14, no.2 Dec/78- Jan/79 TNI B.C.. The B.C. VOW Newsletter; approx. 6 issues yearly by B.C. Voice of Women President, Editor and Treasurer: Box 235, Nanaimo, B.C., V9R 5K9 Membership Chairman:_918_W._16th_St.i_North_Vancouveri_B.C.~_V7P_1Rt ____ _ ---- .------...
20. B.C. Voice, Vol. 14, No. 03 (April, 1979)
- Alternative Title:
- Voice of Women, British Columbia Provincial Newsletter, BC Voice of Women, The B.C. Voice, B.C. Voice of Women, The B.C. VOW Newsletter, The BC VOW Newsletter, and Voice of Women, BC
- Subject:
- Women, Women and war, Women--Legal status, laws, etc., Feminism, Women--Economic conditions, Women--Societies and clubs, Women--Social conditions, Women's rights, Sex discrimination against women, and Nuclear disarmament
- Creator:
- British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Publisher:
- Nanaimo, British Columbia : British Columbia Voice of Women for Peace
- Language:
- eng
- Date Created:
- April 1979
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- Call Number: JX1974 V65
- Extent:
- 8 pages ; 28 x 21.5 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- British Columbia and British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates:
- 49.16638, -123.94003 and 53.99983, -125.0032
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- corner stapled
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Victoria Feminist Newsletters
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- newsletters, periodicals, publications (documents), and serials (publications)
- Fonds Title:
- Victoria Women's Movement Newsletter and Pamphlet collection and Voice of Women - B.C. - Correspondence
- Fonds Identifier:
- AR439 and AR076
- Is Referenced By:
- Archival Finding Aid: Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-09
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on the Plustek OpticBook A300 as 600DPI PDFs, then OCRd using Adobe Acrobat by PD. Metadata by AG.
- Keyword in Context:
- Vol .. 14 No .. 3 April 1979 THE 8.C. The B.C. VOW Newsletter: approx. 6 issues yearly, by: -B.O. Voice of Women President, Editor and Treasurer: Bex 235, Nanaimo, B.c., V9R 5K9 Membership Chairman: 938 w. 16th St., North Vancouver, B.C., V7P 1RJ -----------------...