
Search Results

  • 1. Joseph B. Clearihue - Scrapbook 01

  • 2. Katharine Maltwood standing by a stone on the banks of the Cary River

  • 3. Glastonbury Tor, in the distance

  • 4. Canada Awakening to her Destiny

  • 5. Alterations and additions to residence of J.E. Wilson, Esq., St. Charles Street, Victoria, B.C.

  • 6. Second floor plan.

  • 7. Miss Ethel Ballard: cottage on Lot 13, King George Terrace, Oak Bay.

  • 8. Alterations and additions to residence of J.E. Wilson, Esq., St. Charles Street, Victoria, B.C.

  • 9. Residence at Shaughnessy Heights: drawings for ceilings.

  • 10. Alterations and additions to residence of J.E. Wilson, Esq., St. Charles Street, Victoria, B.C.