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Search Results

[Happy Aunt Emma]
[George, Gloria, and Else Seel in a field]
[Else and George Seel standing next to another couple]
[Else and George Seel with another couple]
[George and Else Seel on a dock]
[Horse and smiling rider]
[Melissa Kreuzberg with husband Winnipeg]
[Totem pole, Queen Charlotte Island] [02]
Tahtsa River
[Couple on a boardwalk]
[Grave in Oosta Lake]
A cat likes to climb [03]
A cat likes to climb [01]
[House in 1927]
[Portrait of Martin Marx]
[Hazelton, British Columbia] [01]
[Carroll's dog sled ride through Canada]
Grave in Hazelton [01]
Totem pole, Queen Charlotte Island [01]
Max Kraiz in Peru
Rupert Seel 3 years old
[Paddy, Caroll, and Beatrice's dog sled ride through Canada]
[Portrait for Christmas]
Top of Lindquist
[Rupert, Else and Gloria Seel]
Morice Lake
Atna Lke, B.C.
[Else Seel and group]
Morice River
[Mountain range in Peru]
[The Caroll's]
[Else and Gloria Seel]
Narrows, Whitesail [Lake]
Whitesail Lake
Else Seel scrapbook: "Amazone im Busch, Canadian diary" (1927-1952)
Foot of Morice Lake
Mystery Creek
Morice Lake [camp]
Head of Surel Lake
[Martin Marx in Vancouver]
[Mountain peeks in Peru]
Cecil Carrol (left) Else and Gloria Seel
[Two men haymaking]
[Rupert and Gloria Seel in their oat and potato field]
[Portrait of Else Seel by a lake]
[Else Seel at her cabin]
Camp on Tahtsa
[Boating on a lake]
Logs at head of Francois [Lake]
[Else Seel on her porch]
[Logs and logging equipment in the snow]
[Two women next to a car]
[Pack horses in Eutsuk Lake]
[Gloria and Else Seel with others in their front yard]
[Else Seel standing by a car]
[Seel's house]
[Foresight Mountain]
Atna Falls
[Docking a boat on a lake]
[Else Seel next to a tree in front of her house]
Head of Whitesail [Lake]
[Else Seel on the deck of a ship]
Rupert Seel [kneeling by a barrier]
Our room at 1623 Belmont Ave Victoria, B.C.
Tahtsa Lake [and a helicopter]
[Suburban cards and houses]
[Helicopter on a snowy mountain top]
[Person exiting a car]
Else Seel [touching a tree] [02]
Else Seel [sitting under a tree] [01]
[Man leaning on car] [01]
[Men with a wooden boat]
[Bulldozer next to a river]
[Camp at the base of a mountain]
[Gloria Seel on a sidewalk]
[Gloria Seel standing next to a car]
[Man leaning on car] [02]
[Else Seel sitting on rocky area] [02]
[House exterior]
[Graffiti tunnel] [02]
[Else and Rupert Seel]
[Rocky shore and wooden pier]
[Else and Gloria Seel with D.J. Reed and Peggy Smith]
Corner of Alfords fence looking at Dads hedge
[Rupert and Winnie Seel with baby Erika] [04]
The Apps family
Norma at Birchland [01]
Norma [with her teddy bear]
Norma at Birchland [02]
The cloth tastes good!
[Else Seel at the kitchen table]