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“Universität Bern: Zeugnisheft für Preuss Siegfried, med.”
[Wistaria, B.C.?]
[Winter wood cutting]
[Winnifred and Rupert with their baby daughter Erika] [03]
[Winnifred and Rupert with their baby daughter Erika] [02]
[Winnifred and Rupert with their baby daughter Erika] [01]
[Winnifred and Rupert Seel]
[Winnifred Seel with her baby daughter Erika] [04]
[Winnifred Seel with her baby daughter Erika] [03]
[Winnifred Seel with her baby daughter Erika] [02]
[Winnifred Seel with her baby daughter Erika] [01]
[Winnifred Seel holding her baby Erika] [06]
[Winnifred Seel holding her baby Erika] [05]
[Winnifred Seel holding her baby Erika] [04]
[Winnifred Seel holding her baby Erika] [03]
[Winnifred Seel holding her baby Erika] [02]
[Winnifred Seel holding her baby Erika] [01]
[Wedding party set up] [02]
[Wedding party set up] [01]
[Two women standing by a car]
[Two women next to a car]
[Two women in front of a building]
[Two men on a road under construction]
[Two men haymaking]
[Two men and a railroad cart loaded with supplies]
[Two men and a car]
[Trawler on a lake]
[Totem pole] [03]
[Totem pole] [02]
[Totem pole, Queen Charlotte Island] [02]
[To the left of the bride - Matilda green dress]
[The Caroll's]
[Taking a photo on the front lawn]
[Tahtsa Lake]
[Suburban cards and houses]
[Snow goggles]
[Side of house]
[Seel's house]
[Rupert, Else and Gloria Seel]
[Rupert working in the garden]
[Rupert sitting on the hood of a truck] [03]
[Rupert sitting on the hood of a truck] [02]
[Rupert sitting on the hood of a truck] [01]
[Rupert in front of the entrance to an old silver mine]
[Rupert by a truck]
[Rupert at the wheel of a car]
[Rupert and a stump]
[Rupert and Winnifred's wedding day]
[Rupert and Winnifred on their wedding day]
[Rupert and Winnifred cutting their wedding cake]
[Rupert and Winnie's wedding day]
[Rupert and Winnie smiling and waving]
[Rupert and Winnie in a car]
[Rupert and Winnie Seel with baby Erika] [04]
[Rupert and Winnie Seel with baby Erika] [03]
[Rupert and Winnie Seel with baby Erika] [02]
[Rupert and Winnie Seel with baby Erika] [01]
[Rupert and Gloria swimming]
[Rupert and Gloria Seel in their oat and potato field]
[Rupert [?] holding his baby Erika]
[Running water from a dam]
[Rose bush] [02]
[Rose bush] [01]
[Rocky shore and wooden pier]
[Raking the front yard]
[Portrait of] Rupert Seel [01]
[Portrait of] Gloria Seel [01]
[Portrait of Rupert Seel] [05]
[Portrait of Rupert Seel] [04]
[Portrait of Rupert Seel] [03]
[Portrait of Rupert Seel] [02]
[Portrait of Martin Marx]
[Portrait of Gloria Seel] [02]
[Portrait of Else Seel by a lake]
[Portrait for Christmas]
[Person exiting a car]
[Performance on a bandshell]
[Paddy, Caroll, and Beatrice's dog sled ride through Canada]
[Pack horses in Eutsuk Lake]
[Orchestra performing outside]
[Norma Reed at the London Zoo]
[Mr. and Mrs. McPhee with the local minister]
[Mountain range in Peru]
[Mountain peeks in Peru]
[Mountain landscape]
[Motor boat on a lake]
[Men with a wooden boat]
[Men in a camp drying fish]
[Melissa Kreuzberg with husband Winnipeg]
[Martin Marx in Vancouver]
[Man with a red car]
[Man standing on rocky bluff]
[Man leaning on car] [02]
[Man leaning on car] [01]
[Man biting a fish]
[Logs and logging equipment in the snow]
[Logging camp next to a river]
[Log cabin in the wild west]