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Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
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Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Associations, institutions, etc., Immigrants, Small business, Neighborhoods, Communities, Community development, and Group identityLanguage:chiDate Created:December 2001Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:32 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:periodicals, pamphlets, newsletters, and serials (publications)Is Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
二零零一年十二月 第 六 卷 第 三 期 總第五十三期 出版者:維多利亞中華會館 非賣品 雙月刊 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 1 / J a n u a r y , 2 0 0 2 CHINATOWN WEWSLETTER Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 _ 1 1 1 ... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Community development, Small business, Neighborhoods, Immigrants, Communities, Group identity, and Associations, institutions, etc.Language:chiDate Created:December 2010Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:36 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:serials (publications), newsletters, pamphlets, and periodicalsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
二零一零年十二月 / 年一月 第十一卷第七期總第壹零七期 出版者:維多利亞中華會館非賣品 CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 一 華 毕 通 _ 一 December 2010 / January 2011 域 多 利 華 僑 公 立 ... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Communities, Neighborhoods, Immigrants, Community development, Group identity, Associations, institutions, etc., and Small businessLanguage:chiDate Created:December 2007Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:26 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:periodicals, pamphlets, serials (publications), and newslettersIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
恭 祝 聖 誕 二零零七年十二月第九卷第九期總第八十九期 出版者:維多利亞中華會館非賣品 雙月刊 CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER Published by 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 • -_ - -."• : 1— - I J J ^ 一 華 毕 通 訊 December, 2007 / January, 2008 RBC Financial... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Communities, Group identity, Associations, institutions, etc., Immigrants, Community development, Small business, and NeighborhoodsLanguage:chiDate Created:October 2007Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:28 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:pamphlets, newsletters, serials (publications), and periodicalsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 • ‘ 〒 : u l i t t - — — I t u m i • W ' WTTw ^ ^ ^ ^ • j flWWW*0***^"*' i HHHSS H B m 二零零七年十月第九卷第八期總第八十八期 出版者:維多利亞中華會館非賣品雙... -
Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Immigrants, Community development, Small business, Associations, institutions, etc., Neighborhoods, Group identity, and CommunitiesLanguage:chiDate Created:December 2000Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:34 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:pamphlets, serials (publications), newsletters, and periodicalsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Lp 權 tfiiil 二零零零年十二月 第五卷 第七期 總第四十七期 出版者:維多利亞 中華會館 非賣品 雙月刊 CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 I I • ;:•、• • :;:丨_灘; : ::..::翠 .‘::>:...•• ¥... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Neighborhoods, Community development, Communities, Group identity, Immigrants, Associations, institutions, etc., and Small businessLanguage:chiDate Created:October 1997Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:28 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:periodicals, serials (publications), pamphlets, and newslettersIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
CHBNATOWW N E W S L E T T E R Published by: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 j 一 九 九 七 年 十 月 第 四 卷 第 八 期 總 二 十 八 期 出版者:維多利亞中華會館非賣品雙月刊 October, 1997 / November, 1997 | ! !... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Immigrants, Group identity, Associations, institutions, etc., Communities, Community development, Neighborhoods, and Small businessLanguage:chiDate Created:June 1996Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:24 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:periodicals, serials (publications), newsletters, and pamphletsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
C H I N A T O W W Published by: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 ITER 一九九六年六月 出版者:維多利亞 June, 1996 第二卷 第十期 總二十期 中華會館非賣品 天時地利好機會 置業投資皆適宜 安省地產市道己是五年來的最低點,現正開 始回升,這是置業... -
Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Associations, institutions, etc., Small business, Group identity, Neighborhoods, Community development, Immigrants, and CommunitiesLanguage:chiDate Created:February 2004Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:28 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newsletters, periodicals, pamphlets, and serials (publications)Is Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 域多利中華會館同仁敬賀 二零零四年二月第七卷第六期總第六十六期 出版者:維多利亞中華會館非賣品 雙月刊 身 體 健 康 猴 年 吉 祥 February / March, 2004 Chan & Wong Chartered ... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Small business, Communities, Community development, Immigrants, Neighborhoods, Group identity, and Associations, institutions, etc.Language:chiDate Created:June 2007Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:30 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:periodicals, serials (publications), pamphlets, and newslettersIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
維多利亞日遊行 二零零七年四六月第九卷第六期總第八十六期 出 版 者 : 維 多 利 亞 中 華 會 館 非 賣 品 雙 月 刊 June /July ,2007 CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 Wm R b c ISS&] F i n... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Communities, Small business, Immigrants, Group identity, Community development, Associations, institutions, etc., and NeighborhoodsLanguage:chiDate Created:October 1996Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:26 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newsletters, periodicals, pamphlets, and serials (publications)Is Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
一 九 九 六 年 十 月 第 三 卷 第二期 總 二 十 二 期 出 版 者 : 維 多 利 亞 中 華 會 館 非 賣 品 雙 月 刊 October / November, 1996 CHINATOWN Published by: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 十一月十六號星期六 域多利第六十一學...