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"A Jackpot for a Life" by Jim Clark
"A congenial task: soldiers receiving their rations", Montreal Daily Star, p.17, 5 September 1914
"A prologue" - Manuscript of Gallup C23
"Army Service Corps waiting to embark at Quebec", The War Pictorial, p.74
"Artillery leaving Valcartier on long march to Quebec", Montreal Daily Star, 29 September 1914
"Artillery, prior to loading aboard ship at Quebec", Montreal Daily Star, p.3, 29 September 1914
"As we see it" : towards the 21st century
"Barrage for Battle of Amiens, Aug. 8th., 1918" - notes [All in a Lifetime illustrated autobiography chapter Page 64]
"Both will bring luck to the Regiment. Gordon Ferris of Winnipeg and the Westerners' mascot", Montreal Daily Star, p.8, 17 October 1914
"Canadian Troops Waiting to go into the Firing Line," photograph from Canada in Khaki
"Canadians at Rest Behind the Lines on the Somme / An Early Morning Shave," photographs from Canada in Khaki
"Colonel Hughes and Lieutenant Colonel Loomis examining bullet marks on MacAdam Shield", Montreal Daily Star, p.5, 19 September 1914
"Colonel Sam Hughes about to throw a bundle of personal letters aboard one of the transports with Colonel W. McBain, seated", Montreal Daily Star, p.9, 17 October 1914
"Eviction Notice" advertisement about Johnny Cash
"Farewell scene (85th Battalion)", Montreal Daily Star, p.3, 22 August 1914
"Firing from the trenches", Montreal Daily Star, p.17, 26 September 1914
"Food Not Bombs" drawing
"Food Not Bombs" drawing - 02
"Food Not Bombs" poster
"Food Not Bombs" poster