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Sacrifice d. Abraham; Loue don de Dieu (Sacrifice of Abraham, Praise the gift of God)
Charter of Hubert de Burgh
Receipt with Seal, England
Sixtus IV, Papal Bull
Nuremberg Chronicle
Untitled (Illuminated Initial)
Wax Seal of Edward VI
James I, Document
Clavis Bibliorum : the key of the Bible, unlocking the richest treasury of the Holy Scriptures ... : wherein the Scripture-songs dispersed here and there in the Old and New Testament, are metrically translated out of the Hebrew ... : whereunto are added the metrical version of the whole book of Hymns or Praises, viz. the Book of Psalmes
Orpheus Britannicus : a collection of all the choicest songs for one, two, and three voices
Essays upon several moral subjects : in two parts
Alexanders feast ; or, The power of musick : an ode, wrote in honour of St. Cecilia, by Mr. Dryden ; set to musick by Mr. Handel : with the recitativo's, songs, symphonys and chorus's for voice & instruments ; together with the cantata, duet, and songs, as perform'd at the Theatre Royal, in Covent Garden
Observations on the florid song, or, Sentiments on the ancient and modern singers. Written in Italian by Pier. Francesco Tosi ... Translated into English by Mr. Galliard ... To which are added, explanatory annotations, and examples in musick
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 10]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 11]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 12]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 13]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 14]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 15]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 16]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 17]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 19]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 1]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 20]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 21]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 22]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 23]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 24]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 25]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 26]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 28]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 2]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 30]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 31]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 32]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 33]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 34]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 35]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 36]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 37]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 38]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 39]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 3]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 4]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 5]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 6]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 7]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 8]
San Juan Water Boundary (Arbitration) : list of maps sent to Admiral Prevost at Berlin on the 12th June 1872 [map 9]
Sketch of King George's Sound (now Nootka Sound)
Sketch of Ahouset. Lat. 49 12N. Long. 126 12W. (Variation estimated 19 40 E.)
Sketch of Scott's Bay on the N.W. Coast of America. Lat. 50 38N. Long. 128 35W. [and] Sketch of Friendly Bay in Nootka Sound. Lat. 49 37N. Long. 126 48 W. Variation 18 E.
Sketch of the entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca : Lat. 48 37' N. Long. 124 54' W. : Variation observed 19
Carta reducida que comprehende parte de la Costa Septentrional de California, corregida y enmendata hasta la Boca del Estrecho de Fuca, y levantado el Plano el en la Espedicion que se hizo con la Balandra de S.M. nombrado la Princesa Rl al mando del Alferez de Navio de la Rl Armada Dn. Manuel Quimper en el ano de 1790
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map A]
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map J]
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map B]
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map H]
Chart of the Coast of NW America and Islands adjacent North Westward of the Gulf of Georgia as explored by His Majesty's Ships Discovery and Chatham in the Months of July & August 1792.', covering Queen Charlotte Sound from the sea to Cape Mudge. Scale: 1 inch to about 4½ miles. Compass indicator. Longitude is shown east from Greenwich. [Queen Charlotte Sound, 1792]
Outline chart of the coast of Burke Channel, with the northern part of FitzHugh Sound
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map D]
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map L]
Chart shewing part of the Coast of N.W. America with the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham, Commanded by George Vancouver Esq. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker  in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 51 45ʹ N. and long. 232 08ʹ E. to lat. 57 30ʹ N. and long. 226 44ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the Coast of N.W. America with the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham, Commanded by George Vancouver Esq. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 51 45ʹ N. and long. 232 08ʹ E. to lat. 57 30ʹ N. and long. 226 44ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America : with the tracks of His Majesty's sloop Discovery and armed tender Chatham commanded by George Vancouver, esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been traced and determined from lat: 45⁰, 30ʹ N. and long. 236⁰, 12ʹ E. to lat: 52⁰, 15ʹ N. and long. 232⁰, 40ʹ E. at the different periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America : with the tracks of His Majesty's sloop Discovery and armed tender Chatham commanded by George Vancouver, esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been traced and determined from lat: 45⁰, 30ʹ N. and long. 236⁰, 12ʹ E. to lat: 52⁰, 15ʹ N. and long. 232⁰, 40ʹ E. at the different periods shewn by the tracks ; Warner, sculp.
Chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America. With the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop Discovery and Armed Tender Chatham.  Commanded by George Vancouver, Esqr. and prepared under his immediate inspection by Lieut. Joseph Baker, in which the continental shore has been correctly traced and determined from lat. 57⁰,07ʹ 1/2 N. and long. 227⁰,00ʹ E. to lat. 59⁰,59ʹ N. and long. 219⁰,00ʹ E. at the periods shewn by the track ; engraved by T. Foot
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map C]
Views of parts of the Coast of North West America
Views of parts of the coast of North West America
A Rough Tracing of Part of British Columbia from the Columbia River to Fraser River &c. from one in the profession of the Hudson Bay Co.
An inquiry into the causes and effects of the variolæ vaccinæ, a disease discovered in some of the western counties of England, particularly Gloucestershire, and known by the name of the cow pox
Chemanis District
East Coast Vancouver Island [Head of Portage Inlet and Esquimalt Harbour]
Map of Part of New Westminster District B.C.
Plan of Government Offices, James Bay, Victoria
Plan of Government Offices, James Bay, Victoria
Sooke District
The Centre of Nature Concentrated
Victoria Town
[Anderson Lake, Lillooet, Pemberton Portage]
[Redstone Flat, between Alexis Creek and Tatla Lake on the Chilanko River. Sketch removed from a field notebook.]
Map exhibiting all the new discoveries in the interior parts of North America. Part 01
Map exhibiting all the new discoveries in the interior parts of North America. Part 02
Map exhibiting all the new discoveries in the interior parts of North America. Part 03
Map exhibiting all the new discoveries in the interior parts of North America. Part 04
Shakspeare's dramatic songs : consisting of all the songs, duets, trios and chorusses, in character, as introduced by him in his various dramas : the music, partly new & partly selected with new symphonies and accompaniments for the piano forte from the works of Purcell, Fielding, Boyce, Nares, Arne, Cooke, J. Smith, I.S. Smith, T. Linley and R.I.S. Sterens, to which are prefixed a general introduction ... by Wm. Linley
Crabbed age and youth : Passionate pilgrim : a favorite song in Shakespeare's revived play of the Merry wives of Windsor
Letter from Samuel Williams to J.H. Wiffen, December 20, 1824
Lilian L. Kidman autograph album
Pearl Harbour. In Latitude. 54=30=00. North. In Longitude. 130=17=00. West. A copy by Thomas Sinclair. Jany. 27th 1832
A sketch of Port George & Cofsack Harbours, the latter in latitude. 53=33. North, Longitude. 129=44. West, By Thomas Sinclair Jan 28th 1832
Skeategat's Harbour Queen Charlotte's Island Latitude 53=22. North Longitude 131=37. West by Thomas Sinclair. in July 24th 1832
Letter from Charles Dickens to Mr. Eward
Life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, his relatives, friends, and enemies : comprising all his wills and his ways : with an historical record of what he did, and what he didn't : showing, moreover, who inherited the family plate, who came in for the silver spoons, and who for the wooden ladles : the whole forming a complete key to the house of Chuzzlewit, no. 05
Life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, his relatives, friends, and enemies : comprising all his wills and his ways : with an historical record of what he did, and what he didn't : showing, moreover, who inherited the family plate, who came in for the silver spoons, and who for the wooden ladles : the whole forming a complete key to the house of Chuzzlewit, no. 10
Carte de la côte de l'Amérique sur l'océan Pacifique septentrional : comprenant le territoire de l'Orégon, les Californies, la Mer Vermeille, partie des territoires de la compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson et de l'Amérique Russe
San Juan boundary dispute maps [map E].
Eye Sketch of the Plains & about Nisqually at the Head of Pugets Sound
Mr. Fogg dreams illustration