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- Alternative Title
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books
- Subject
- Law, British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, and Politics and government
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- March 1920
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 299 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- clippings (information artifacts), legislative records, newspapers, and periodicals
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- -------------- -- MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1920 I that state, looking like news, but j really paid advertisements! This was a case wheretoforce neces! sary—to legislate stop was those lies.. related the cause and effect of the ,daily wage; quoting salaries in China. He contend...
- Alternative Title
- B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates
- Subject
- Politics and government, British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, and Law
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- April 1920
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 161 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- legislative records, clippings (information artifacts), periodicals, and newspapers
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1920 - JEDR6E BELL RALLIES Former Alderman Thinks I Cities Should Have Whole Amusement Tax Legislative Press Gallery. Afternoon Sitting March SI. Prging the Government to estab lish a new portfolio of colonisation. ; J. W. Weart, Government mem...
- Alternative Title
- B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates
- Subject
- Politics and government, British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, and Law
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- February 1921
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 179 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- legislative records, periodicals, clippings (information artifacts), and newspapers
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- Bsferea out the [WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1921 19£1 ► ! l ! DfTERESTING. CEREMONY MARKS HOUSE OPENING ILieut-Governor Makes Speech From L. Throne X7ICT0BIA, Feb. 8. — The V route of the new surrey tm tile completion of the P. G. E. Bailwny from Prinee George to i the Pe...
- Alternative Title
- B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates
- Subject
- Law, Politics and government, and British Columbia. Legislative Assembly
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- March 1921
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 304 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- periodicals, newspapers, clippings (information artifacts), and legislative records
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- ! yi-PSDAY. MARCH t, 192^ I MONDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1921 COAL PRICE PROBE INITIATED TODAY Commissioner Henderson to Open Important Enquiry at Courthouse May Record Prices After 1 Which Method of Proceedure to Be Outlined i PltOCKDITXK OUTLINED With the opening of the enq...
- Alternative Title
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books
- Subject
- Politics and government, Law, and British Columbia. Legislative Assembly
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- April 1921
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 47 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- periodicals, clippings (information artifacts), newspapers, and legislative records
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- ►AY, APRIL 3, 1921 FRIDAY, APRIL 1,1981 m nrrrT n^. 1 inr ! I Uphill Amendment on Third! Reading Defeated by ɧ 34 to 11 19----------- FERNIE MEMBER SAYS ACT IS UNWORKABLE! -Heated Speeches in House ini I : Closing Stages of Liquor : Bill . Spotui .«,»•», to Tfc...
- Alternative Title
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books
- Subject
- British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Politics and government, and Law
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- October 1921
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 118 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- clippings (information artifacts), legislative records, periodicals, and newspapers
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- I B. Ç, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1921 Tax of 1 Per Cent on All Incomes Now Proposed (Special to The Vancouver Sun) ICTORIA, Oct 18.—The Oliver Government must raise mil lions by new levies. Financial affairs of the province have reached a crisis. The Provincial Government ...
- Alternative Title
- B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates
- Subject
- Politics and government, British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, and Law
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- November 1921
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 265 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- newspapers, legislative records, clippings (information artifacts), and periodicals
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- ’TUESDAY. .NOVEMBER f. iq-m *«ofo00.000. «st*oppo»e*d,to<,0»19°7»»^00 I TUES ^ .“furfî. TCTSS* Leader of Opposition Sei verely Scores Government’s Enancial Policy m\ HEADING B. C. INTO BANKRUPTCY ■H -------— j In Ten Months of Year Gov ernment Has Borrowed $17,000,...
- Alternative Title
- B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates
- Subject
- Politics and government, British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, and Law
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- December 1921
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 49 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- legislative records, periodicals, newspapers, and clippings (information artifacts)
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- FRIPAV, DECEMBER 2, 192V, Thursday. December i. came when the committee at 11 o'clock reported to Mr. Speaker that the petition for & referendum had been adopted. Premier Oliver moved that the 1 eport be considered at the next sitting of the house. His own minister...
- Alternative Title
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books
- Subject
- British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Law, and Politics and government
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- October 1922
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 17 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- legislative records, clippings (information artifacts), newspapers, and periodicals
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- L.Y PRO\ ^OND^r, OCTOBER 80,1922. !F. A. PAULINE NEMKER Elected by B. C. Legislature At Opening Session Today. from Throne Read By Qiief Justice Macdonald. VICTORIA, Oct. 80.—The third elon of the fifteenth Legislature of British Columbia opened auspiciously...
- Alternative Title
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books
- Subject
- Law, Politics and government, and British Columbia. Legislative Assembly
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- November 1922
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 335 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- clippings (information artifacts), legislative records, newspapers, and periodicals
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- rï, 1922. GET$68,278 and Independent members had voted against roe allocation of 1250,066 for unemployment relief at the last session. , This was denied by Messrs. Guthrie* '/Neelande and UphilL aMnm «max». The division was then called for and the amendment defeated. Th...