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Search Results
- Subject
- Televised performances, Concerts, Granada Television, Performances, Cash, Johnny, Television programs, Country musicians, Filmed performances, Prisons, Music trade--Management, California State Prison at San Quentin, and Logistics--Planning
- Creator
- Darlow, Michael, 1934-
- Contributor
- Cash, Johnny, Holiff, Saul, 1925-2005, and Granada Television
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- January 21, 1969
- Rights Statement
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 1 leaf
- Geographic Coverage
- California--San Quentin, New York (State)--New York, and Ontario--London
- Coordinates
- 43.00035, -75.4999, 42.98339, -81.23304, and 37.94126, -122.4848
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- Typescript letter with handwritten signature in blue pen; Letterhead is a larger, bolder font than the text body.
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- Saul Holiff Collection
- Provenance
- Acquired from Jonathan Holiff, October 2016.
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- business letters, correspondence, and letters (correspondence)
- Archival Item Identifier
- File: 1.38 and Accession Number: 2016-018
- Fonds Title
- Holiff Family fonds
- Fonds Identifier
- SC510
- Is Referenced By
- Special Collections fonds:
- Date Digitized
- 2018-03-05
- Technical Note
- 600 dpi TIFF. Scanned using Epson GT-15000; Photoshop cropp & straighten; No colour correction; by KMercer. Metadata by JGreenhill, edited by SMacFarlane and KD.
- Subject
- Authors, English, Hepworth, Barbara, 1903-1975, Artists, Skelton, Robin, Editors, Sculptors, Wiccans, Modernism (Art), Literature, Modern, Poets, English, Novelists, English, Authors, Periodical editors, Poets, and Novelists
- Creator
- Hepworth, Barbara, 1903-1975
- Contributor
- Skelton, Robin
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- January 28, 1969
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 1 page
- Geographic Coverage
- England--St. Ives (Cornwall) and British Columbia--Victoria
- Coordinates
- 50.20861, -5.4875 and 48.4359, -123.35155
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- Typewritten on personal letterhead.
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- Robin Skelton Collection
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- correspondence and letters (correspondence)
- Archival Item Identifier
- Accession Number: 1971-002 (A); File: 2.11
- Fonds Title
- Robin Skelton fonds
- Fonds Identifier
- SC114
- Is Referenced By
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized
- 2022-10-20
- Technical Note
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
- Alternative Title
- B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates
- Subject
- Politics and government, British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, and Law
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- February 1969
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 436 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- clippings (information artifacts), periodicals, legislative records, and newspapers
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- ■■■■ . OITOW U) iquor stud )rd< sets up Drdër 3-man inquiry By PAT HRUSHOWY Province Victoria Bureau VICTORIA — Minister-without-Portfolio Grace McCarthy announced in the legislature Friday the appointment of members of a three-man royal com mission to study liquor ...
- Alternative Title
- Celebrate the gentle art of being a woman. Because being a woman - is everything., For the heterosexual crossdresser, and Outlet and outlook on the subject of fascinating attire
- Contributor
- Valenti, Susanna, Prince, Virginia, Neilson, Mary, and Niles, Sheila
- Publisher
- Los Angeles, Calif. : Chevalier Publications
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- February 1969
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type
- Still Image
- Identifier
- Call Number: HQ77.T73
- Extent
- 88 pages
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- Transvestia
- Provenance
- Transvestia was a part of the library holdings of the Rikki Swin Institute: Gender Education, Research, Library and Archives (RSI), located in Chicago, Illinois. Dedicated to transgender research and education, it opened to the public on March 22, 2001, to coincide with the 15th Annual Conference of the International Foundation for Gender Education. The Institute closed in December 2004. The Institute had four objectives: the housing of a library and archives; conference co-sponsorship; digital video education; and research. The RSI collection was donated by Rikki Swin to the University of Victoria Libraries in 2008, and is a foundational resource of UVic’s Transgender Archives.
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Sponsor
- University of Victoria Transgender Archives and University of Victoria Chair in Transgender Studies
- Genre
- periodicals and magazines (periodicals)
- Date Digitized
- 2018-09
- Technical Note
- Scanned on the Opticbook A300, 600 dpi tiff.
- Keyword in Context
- I Volume X ^°' m , - V .. v; , . > • Purpose of Transvestia \ j TRANSVESTIA is dedicated to the needs of those heterosexual person: who have become aware of their “ other side“ and seek to express it The magazine provides— EDUCATION - ENTERTAINMENT - EXPRESSION ...
- Subject
- Translators, Skelton, Robin, Scholars, Hamburger, Michael, Critics, Poets, English, Periodical editors, Novelists, Literature, Modern, Editors, Novelists, English, Poets, Wiccans, Authors, and Authors, English
- Creator
- Hamburger, Michael
- Contributor
- Skelton, Robin
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- February 6, 1969
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 1 page
- Geographic Coverage
- New York (State)--Buffalo
- Coordinates
- 42.88645, -78.87837
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- Handwritten in black ink on State University of New York at Buffalo letterhead.
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- Robin Skelton collection
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- letters (correspondence) and correspondence
- Archival Item Identifier
- Accession Number: 1971-002 (A); File: 2.3
- Fonds Title
- Robin Skelton fonds
- Fonds Identifier
- SC114
- Is Referenced By
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized
- 2023-04-14
- Technical Note
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
- Subject
- Canadian poetry, Authors, Canadian, Brown, Audrey Alexandra, 1904-1998, and Canadian literature
- Creator
- Nanaimo Daily Free Press
- Publisher
- Nanimo Daily Free Press
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- February 12, 1969
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 1 clipping
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Nanaimo
- Coordinates
- 49.16638,-123.94003
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- Audrey Alexandra Brown Collection
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- newspaper clippings
- Archival Item Identifier
- 2.31
- Fonds Title
- Audrey Alexandra Brown fonds
- Fonds Identifier
- SC335
- Is Referenced By
- Finding aid for archival fonds:
- Date Digitized
- 2012-10-27
- Technical Note
- metadata by GF and KD, 600 dpi tiff, and 600 dpi jpg
- Subject
- Periodical editors, Translators, Wiccans, Scholars, Authors, English, Literature, Modern, Hamburger, Michael, Poets, Critics, Novelists, Novelists, English, Skelton, Robin, Authors, Editors, and Poets, English
- Creator
- Hamburger, Michael
- Contributor
- Skelton, Robin
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- February 17, 1969
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 1 page
- Geographic Coverage
- New York (State)--Buffalo
- Coordinates
- 42.88645, -78.87837
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- Handwritten in black ink on State University of New York at Buffalo letterhead.
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- Robin Skelton collection
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- correspondence and letters (correspondence)
- Archival Item Identifier
- Accession Number: 1971-002 (A); File: 2.3
- Fonds Title
- Robin Skelton fonds
- Fonds Identifier
- SC114
- Is Referenced By
- Special Collections finding aid:
- Date Digitized
- 2023-04-14
- Technical Note
- Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
- Alternative Title
- B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates
- Subject
- British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Law, and Politics and government
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- March 1969
- Rights Statement
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- Resource Type
- Text
- Extent
- 449 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia
- Coordinates
- 53.99983,-125.0032
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping Books
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- periodicals, clippings (information artifacts), newspapers, and legislative records
- Date Digitized
- 2019-03
- Technical Note
- Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.
- Keyword in Context
- flight s te wee J By'AEEf VtilWc' 111 contain! powers] a l'dniTaSsalSTwS^^S' Ç*ïï® The The commission pommieeinn “mow” Vx«BSBS3E Province Victoria Bureau ippointed by the cabinet. It] icrimlnaüon 'on economic] pjshall consist of a chairman! VICTORIA - The legisla Ig...
- Subject
- Architecture, Architects, Modern movement (Architecture), Architecture, Modern, and Architecture, Domestic
- Creator
- Hodgson, Alan J. (Alan James)
- Language
- eng
- Date created
- approximately March 1969 to approximately June 1969
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Project: 111-03-69
- Extent
- 38 architectural drawings and other material
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Cowichan Valley
- Coordinates
- 48.83292, -124.21941
- Physical Repository
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection
- Alan Hodgson Collection
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Sponsor
- Digitized through the support of the BC History Digitization Program, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, University of British Columbia.
- Genre
- sections (orthographic projections), perspective views (images), architectural drawings (visual works), elevations (orthographic projections), floor plans (orthographic projections), site plans, and photographs
- Archival Item Identifier
- Accession Number: 2020-002
- Fonds Title
- Alan Hodgson fonds
- Fonds Identifier
- AR513
- Is Referenced By
- Special Collections Finding Aid:
- Date Digitized
- 2021-12
- Technical Note
- Digitized at 300 dpi by The Crowley Company. Metadata by Matt Innes.
- Alternative Title
- 敬祝毛主席万岁无疆 伟大的领袖毛主席万岁 伟大的中国共产党万岁, Wishing Chairman Mao longevity without limit Long live the great leader Chairman Mao Long live the great Chinese Communist Party, and Jingzhu Mao Zhuxi wanshou wujiang; Weida de lingxiu Mao zhuxi wansui; Weida de Zhongguo Gongchandang wansui.
- Subject
- Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976
- Contributor
- Xinhua News Agency
- Publisher
- Shanghai People's Fine Arts Press
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- March 1969
- Rights Statement
- Copyright Not Evaluated
- Resource Type
- Still Image
- Extent
- 1 poster ; 53 x 77 cm
- Edition
- Reprint purchased 1976, of a 1969 photograph. Undated, no quantities provided.
- Geographic Coverage
- China
- Coordinates
- 35, 105
- Collection
- Chinese Propaganda Poster Project
- Provenance
- From the collection of Richard King.
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- posters
- Date Digitized
- 2011-03-01
- Technical Note
- Scanned and edited by KM and CDW, cataloguing metadata provided by R.King and KM. Migration metadata by KD.