San Juan boundary dispute maps [map H]
San Juan boundary. Atlas (set of maps marked 'A' to 'O'). [Juan de Fuca, Strait, 1791; 1873]. Title supplied by cataloger. Series consists of reprints of either complete or parts of maps originally published between 1790-1859. All pertain to the San Juan Boundary dispute. Published by Harrison & Sons, Photo-Lith. St. Martins Lane [London 1873]. This particular map lacks publisher and letter. Copy of original. [Reprint of] "Carta que comprehende los interiores y veril de la costa desde los 48° latitud N. hasta los 50° examinados escrupulosamente por el Teniento de Navio de la Rl. Armada Dn. Franco. Eliza, comandante del Paquebot de S.M. Sn. Carlos del porte 16 canones y goleta Sta. Saturnina (alias la Orcacitas), y descubierto nuevamte. el Gran Canal de Ntra. Sra. del Rosario arregladas sus Longitudes al Meridiano de Sn. Blas, y a la ultima Observacion Astronomica, hecha en este Puerto de la Sta. Cruz de Nuca en el presente Año de 1791 por el Capitan de Navio de la Rl. Armada Dn. Alexandro Malaespina y Comte. de las Corvetas de S.M. la Descubierta y Atrevida hechos estos Reconocimientos en este Año de 1791. Identifies coastal features and water bodies in Spanish in the vicinity of the southern part of Vancouver Island. Identifies the Gran Canal de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, the Canal de Lopez de Haro, and the Estrecho de Juan de Fuca. Includes insets: Pto. Clayocuat -- Pto. de Nra Sra de los Angeles -- Ba. de Buena Esperanza -- Pto de la Sta Cruz de Nuca -- Pto de Sn Rafael.
- In Collection:
- Penfold Number: 503
- 1 sheet
- Carta que comprehende los interiores y veril de la costa desde los 48 de latitude N. hasta los 50 (1791)
- 53.99983, -125.0032
- 49.65064, -125.44939
- 47.50012, -120.50147
- 48.56121, -122.75962
- 48.29674, -124.01225
- 48.54876, -123.21918
- 1791 to 1873
- Early BC Maps Collection
- National Archives of the UK
- Funded by a Canadian Council of Archives, Archival Community Digitization Program.
- National Archives Number: FO925-1649 (h)
- April 12, 2010
- 600 dpi jpg
- Watermarks added to images by KM, JF, and CDW. Metadata by JTP May 10, 2010.
- Rights
- These images are provided under license by The National Archives of the UK and cannot be reproduced or copied without their permission. To purchase high-resolution tiff files of these maps for publication, contact: Tel: +44 (0)20 8392 5225. A scale of reproduction fees applies for commercial publication, exhibition display or TV broadcast. Details on request. Request should cite the National Archives Number. Infringement of the above condition may result in legal action. These images are provided for research only.