Map or Tracing of Land at Nanaimo Vancouver Island Victoria V.I. 3 February 1863
Village, Government Reserve, Millstone R., Chase R., Douglas Island, Pt McKay, Angle Pt,. Pt., Stuart, Lighthouse Pt., Execution Pt., Harbourmaster Ofc., Chapel, Mt. Franklin, Vasleyan, Cameron Island, Indian Reserve, Flea Point, Departure Harbour, Newcastle Island, Nanaimo Harbour, Wentumuysen Inlet, Nanaimo R. Cartographer unknown
- In Collection:
- A11/79 fo. 38
- Ruggles Number: 507A
- 1 sheet ; 32 x 26 cm
- 1:63,360
- Early B.C. Maps from the Hudson's Bay Company Archives
- May 2, 2012
- Note: The portion of the Mainland purchased by the Hudson's Bay Company is included within the tract - having for its Eastern boundary, the Salt water from the point A, to the entrance of the branch of the Nanaimo River, nearer to X , and then on the centre of the said river to F, and which is otherwise bounded by the ___, lettered ABCDEF and contains .…
- 600 dpi jpg ; Scanning of transparencies by JF. Watermarking by CDW. Metadata by RM, KM.
- Rights
- These images are provided for research only. These images are provided with the consent of the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives, Archives of Manitoba, and cannot be reproduced or copied without their permission. To purchase high resolution digital files of these maps, contact:; telephone 204-945-4949. Information on photographic reproduction services and terms of use of images are available on request.
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