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Karen Dykes
Date Uploaded
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passed on August 08, 2024 at 14:06
Height: 855
Width: 657
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 1005602
Filename: 8190_img_032.tiff
Last Modified: 2024-08-09T00:51:15.032Z
Original Checksum: c2da1a61feae632c094d5becd10b40b7
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • camera case is poorly designed + gets in the way of horizontal pictures unless one is most careful. I ruined 3 that way, moved another + the others were slightly under exposed. I must give the readings another stop open. After tea we proceeded down to Aberfeldy on the Tay. Here the Black Watch were first raised as territorials to keep an eye on the Highlanders. There is a magnificent monument to the regiment in the village. I photographed it. We returned down the valley of the Tay - a most beautiful stream + reached Almondbank in time for a quick snack + a rush for the train. Aug [August] 27. Edinburgh Have spent the last three days most profitably at the university. Today I had a phone call from Dr Max Dunbar + later had lunch with Stevens, [Max] Dunbar + Mrs Dunbar in the pub of the Cafe Royal. It was my first meeting with [Max] Dunbar + I was most interested to see him. He is on a sabbatical to Copenhagen + hopes to get over to Greenland briefly while he is there. Plans to spend the winter working up a lot of plankton material. Among the interesting bits of news he told me was that the Danes + Norwegians
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