HowtoStartEFChapter_005.tif Public

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Dean Seeman
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passed on September 06, 2024 at 12:39
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Filename: HowtoStartEFChapter_005.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-06T20:29:27.802Z
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Creator Transcript
  • to do, but let everyone engage in the actual planning process so that they feel a part of the group. Let others speak, get in the media spotlight, and generally feel useful. A person who sits silently on the side won't stay with the group for long. When organizing actions, think of and plan every last detail needed to accomplish the action. Scout out areas ahead of time, anticipate possible problems, and make sure you have reliable people carry out the tasks. Regular events and actions are necessary to keep any activist group going - too many meetings and too few actions ensures the group will fizzle away. Therefore, plan ahead of meetings on what to do. Eventually, your group may exceed a dozen people regularly at each meeting, which makes it difficult for everyone in the group to participate as organizers. At this time you should break up into different sub-groups which can accomodate more people and can diversify the issues you're working on or work on different aspects of the same issue. Each sub-group should have at least one core member with the dedication and time to keep it going. The sub-groups should all meet together once every month or few months to keep the Earth First! chapter unified. Don't underestimate the importance of social events like hiking trips, potlucks, or going out for beers for keeping your group together! Although it may seem at first that no one is interested in getting involved in your group, keep at it. When people see that something is getting done, they'll join in. Defend the Earth!
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