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Reginald Herbert Roy fonds
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Subject:North American Aerospace Defense Command, Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984, and Military historyContributor:Granatstein, J. L. and Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984Language:engDate Created:April 7, 1970Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:1 transcript (57 pages)Geographic Coverage:British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:No audio recording held.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Canadian Military Oral History CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:reminiscences, transcripts, oral histories (literary genre), and interviewsArchival Item Identifier:PGR_235Fonds Title:Reginald Herbert Roy fondsFonds Identifier:SC104Is Referenced By:Special Collections Finding Aid: Note:Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. WWI Migration metadata by KD and MT. PDF. Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Ap;~~t Toda~y is Mares 7, 1969. We are at the home of General George Pearkes in Victoria, British Columbia. Perhaps I could begin, General Pearkes, by asking you why it was you went into politics after the Second World War? You 1 d- had .a distinguished career in t... -
Subject:Personal narratives--Canadian, Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984, and Military historyContributor:Dixon, C. Garfield, b. 1921 and Roy, Reginald H.Language:engDate Created:November 6, 1969 to February 9, 1970Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:1 transcript (16 pages) (Part 02) and 1 transcript (8 pages) (Part 01)Geographic Coverage:IndiaCoordinates:22.20775, 76.97021Additional Physical Characteristics:No audio recording held.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Canadian Military Oral History CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:reminiscences, oral histories (literary genre), transcripts, and interviewsArchival Item Identifier:DCG_217Fonds Title:Reginald Herbert Roy fondsFonds Identifier:SC104Is Referenced By:Special Collections Finding Aid: Note:Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT. PDF. Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
D. R. D. R. D. R. D. D. INTERVIEW WITH COMMANDER C.G. DIXON, NOV. 6, 1969 • • • Ross said if General Pearkes was made Lieutenant-Governor he would never set foot in Government House. Ross was a veteran, wasn't he? Didn't he get the M.C. - all that ... -
Subject:Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984, Military history, and Personal narratives--CanadianContributor:Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984Location:Language:engDate Created:February 1966Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:1 transcript (6 pages)Geographic Coverage:British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:No audio recording held.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Canadian Military Oral History CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:transcripts, interviews, reminiscences, and oral histories (literary genre)Archival Item Identifier:PGR_233Fonds Title:Reginald Herbert Roy fondsFonds Identifier:SC104Is Referenced By:Special Collections Finding Aid: Note:Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. WWI Migration metadata by KD and MT.PDF. Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Q. A; Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. CJVI BIRTHDAY INTERVIEWS RE ~ffiJOR GENERAL G,R, PEAIDSubject:Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984, Personal narratives--Canadian, and Military historyContributor:Ladner, Leon J., b. 1884 and Roy, Reginald H.Language:engDate Created:April 5, 1972Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:1 transcript (28 pages)Geographic Coverage:CanadaCoordinates:60.10867, -113.64258Additional Physical Characteristics:No audio recording held.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Canadian Military Oral History CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:reminiscences, interviews, oral histories (literary genre), and transcriptsArchival Item Identifier:LLJ_227Fonds Title:Reginald Herbert Roy fondsFonds Identifier:SC104Is Referenced By:Special Collections Finding Aid: Note:Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT. PDF. Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
R. Ray L. Ladner R. L. R. L. R. L. R. L. Interview with Mr. Lean La dner, April 5, 1972 I'd like to, i f I may , j ust qu estio n you a b i t Certainly on yo ur b a ckgro und with Genera l Peark es . Now, one t hing tha t some people s a y--a n...Subject:Personal narratives--Canadian, Military history, and Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984Contributor:Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984Language:engRights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:1 transcript (50 pages)Geographic Coverage:British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:No audio recording held.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Canadian Military Oral History CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:oral histories (literary genre), reminiscences, interviews, and transcriptsArchival Item Identifier:PGR_232Fonds Title:Reginald Herbert Roy fondsFonds Identifier:SC104Is Referenced By:Special Collections Finding Aid: Note:Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. WWI Migration metadata by KD and MT. PDF. Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
INTERVIEW WITH l'1.AJOR-GENERA1 PEARIZES BY THE CBC FOR THE RADIO PROGRAI11YlE "CANADA IN FLANDERS 11 Q. Sir I'm just go ing to ask you a couple of general ques tions before we star t. I gather you were with the Northwest Mounte d Police when the war began. ...Subject:Military history, Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984, and Personal narratives--CanadianContributor:Fulton, Edmund Davie, b. 1916 and Roy, Reginald H.Language:engDate Created:May 10, 1972Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:1 transcript (34 pages)Geographic Coverage:United StatesCoordinates:39.76, -98.5Additional Physical Characteristics:No audio recording held.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Canadian Military Oral History CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:oral histories (literary genre), interviews, transcripts, and reminiscencesArchival Item Identifier:FED_219Fonds Title:Reginald Herbert Roy fondsFonds Identifier:SC104Is Referenced By:Special Collections Finding Aid: Note:Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT. PDF. Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
E. Davie Fulton Interview, May 10, 1972 R. Am I right in thinking - again I'm considering some of the chapters that I wrote and mentally, sort of, proofreading some - that he was a fairly peppery G.O.C.-in-C.? To put it another way, I get the impression that when ...Subject:Military history, Personal narratives--Canadian, and Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984Contributor:Howsam, George Roberts, 1895-1988 and Roy, Reginald H.Language:engDate Created:June 2, 1972Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:1 transcript (20 pages)Geographic Coverage:Ontario--TorontoCoordinates:43.70011, -79.4163Additional Physical Characteristics:No audio recording held.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Canadian Military Oral History CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:transcripts, interviews, reminiscences, and oral histories (literary genre)Archival Item Identifier:HGR_224Fonds Title:Reginald Herbert Roy fondsFonds Identifier:SC104Is Referenced By:Special Collections Finding Aid: Note:Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. WWI Migration metadata by KD and MT. PDF. Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
"t\,.;;..-. .rtAe . .-J-.. .,.._ G~J ~ ~( J / l'l ~~T$.,<0'-v. .._ INTERVIEW ~JITH AIR VICE MARSHAL G. R. HOWSAM, JUNE 2, 1972, ABOUT HIS EARLY LIFE R. All you have to do is just answer questions. There may be occasions when you will want to elaborate on something...Subject:Military history, Personal narratives--Canadian, and Pearkes, G. R. (George Randolph), 1888-1984Contributor:Roy, Reginald H. and Smith, DouglasLanguage:engDate Created:December 4, 1972Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:1 transcript (21 pages)Geographic Coverage:CanadaCoordinates:60.10867, -113.64258Additional Physical Characteristics:No audio recording held.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Canadian Military Oral History CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:transcripts, reminiscences, interviews, and oral histories (literary genre)Archival Item Identifier:SD_245Fonds Title:Reginald Herbert Roy fondsFonds Identifier:SC104Is Referenced By:Special Collections Finding Aid: Note:Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT. PDF. Technical and cataloguing metadata provided by JF and JP. Migration metadata by KD and MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
TALK vJITH AIR VICE 1'-fARSHAL DOUGLAS SMITH, DEC. 4, 1972 s. I 'm not much blessed Hith memory and a lot of what you wanted to know with regard to the Arrow programme - I knew a good deal more about the beginning of it than I did about the end of it. R. I see. ...