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Alternative Title:British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping booksSubject:British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Law, and Politics and governmentLanguage:engDate Created:December 1922Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:198 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newspapers, periodicals, clippings (information artifacts), and legislative recordsDate Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
i \m OK Ml ini’ False Creek “Winery” Finds Favor in Eyes of “Jim Falconer. V. T. McArthur, W. Gil christ and Commissioner's Brother Interested. “The Gang's All Here" Mr. Bowser Assures Public Accounts Committee. Elysium Hotel Operators Also Figure In Some Sales To ... -
Alternative Title:British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping booksSubject:British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Law, and Politics and governmentLanguage:engDate Created:October 1922Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:17 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:legislative records, clippings (information artifacts), newspapers, and periodicalsDate Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
L.Y PRO\ ^OND^r, OCTOBER 80,1922. !F. A. PAULINE NEMKER Elected by B. C. Legislature At Opening Session Today. from Throne Read By Qiief Justice Macdonald. VICTORIA, Oct. 80.—The third elon of the fifteenth Legislature of British Columbia opened auspiciously... -
Alternative Title:B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debatesSubject:Law, Politics and government, and British Columbia. Legislative AssemblyLanguage:engDate Created:October 1923Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:27 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newspapers, clippings (information artifacts), legislative records, and periodicalsDate Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
gsm Wh'A Government Assumes K :3?- * , Responsibility for -Hour-Day Bill j Precedent Established by <*■ Ministers Presenting 30 Reports tir IB 8B0K By c. NORMAN NENIOR Nub stuff Correspondrai V1CTQRIA, Oct. 29.—With juit a| jUjoJAri shade more of ceremony and ... -
Alternative Title:B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debatesSubject:British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Politics and government, and LawLanguage:engDate Created:November 1923Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:239 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:clippings (information artifacts), periodicals, newspapers, and legislative recordsDate Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
few sittings ol'JSV Wmmittee v be sufficient for this purpose, he suggested. FLOCK OF GUETTIONS The avalanche of question ad dressed by private members of the legislature to members of the cabi net has commenced In real earnest, F A healthy beginning was made by R. H. P... -
Alternative Title:British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping booksSubject:Politics and government, British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, and LawLanguage:engDate Created:December 1923Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:168 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:clippings (information artifacts), legislative records, newspapers, and periodicalsDate Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
department Auditors Rebuke Major Martyn And Criticize His Work f Suggests Certain R.C.M.P. Officials Have Gone Wrong One Loan Said to Have; ' Been Made to Company in Insolvent Position IT. J. SHORE NUT AND BOLT CO. LOAN REVIEWED In Reply Major Says Offi cials Do Not Kn... -
Alternative Title:B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debatesSubject:British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Law, and Politics and governmentLanguage:engDate Created:December 1925Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:321 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:clippings (information artifacts), periodicals, newspapers, and legislative recordsDate Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1 th Broken th Sumas m, Is Charge Pènners Never Party to In„Creased Cost From $1,800 | 000 to $3,400,000, Declares süfr. J. W. Jones inister Admits Cousent Not Given But Property-Owners Went Into Scheme With Full Knowledge of What It j Might Cost, H... -
Alternative Title:British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping booksSubject:British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Law, and Politics and governmentLanguage:engDate Created:February 1927Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:336 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:legislative records, periodicals, newspapers, and clippings (information artifacts)Date Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
iRXJARYÆ 1 Continued from Page Owe / The up-country member main lined that all royal commissions Mated for was to help feed “fat iwyers.” However, since his Labor ^leagues had brought in the réso lvons. be would support It. would not have done so. be tas» I think it I... -
Alternative Title:British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debates and B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping booksSubject:British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Law, and Politics and governmentLanguage:engDate Created:January 1928Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:72 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newspapers, legislative records, clippings (information artifacts), and periodicalsDate Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Alternative Title:B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debatesSubject:British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Politics and government, and LawLanguage:engDate Created:March 1928Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:181 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newspapers, legislative records, periodicals, and clippings (information artifacts)Date Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
_____ . TH URSDAY MA If OH T, 1928 i'InBRITISH COLUMBIA LEGISLATORS’ GALLERY Absentee Vote To Go But Voters May Still Ballot Away From Home New Scheme of Traveling Voters' Certificates Will Re-' place Old System Under Government Legislation; Machinery Is Designed to Be... -
Alternative Title:B.C. Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books and British Columbia Legislative Assembly sessional clipping books : newspaper accounts of the debatesSubject:British Columbia. Legislative Assembly, Politics and government, and LawLanguage:engDate Created:February 1929Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:286 pagesGeographic Coverage:British ColumbiaCoordinates:53.99983,-125.0032Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:British Columbia Legislative Assembly Sessional Clipping BooksProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:periodicals, newspapers, legislative records, and clippings (information artifacts)Date Digitized:2019-03Technical Note:Microfilm digitized by Canadiana.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
JfRlDAŸ, February 1, 19291 [JANUARY dl, jy^9 vcmure wh^r,mhde b.y Mr C*«on in when he entered the lists ■t^îÏÏh*?1 f0r the I'lUooettdLsWcLj , lba cl==ttoh he was un he^dMb?‘ a the “te election H» Sï. " winning the seat as! the e can[Udate against The^mimem,ber' Mr E A-...