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Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Neighborhoods, Associations, institutions, etc., Immigrants, Community development, Small business, Group identity, and CommunitiesLanguage:chiDate Created:April 2009Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:30 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:serials (publications), periodicals, newsletters, and pamphletsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
、二零零九年四月第十卷第七期總第九十七期 .出版者:維多利亞 中華會館非賣品雙月刊 April / May, 2009 CHINATOWN Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 卑詩省自由黨 ON MAY 12th RE-ELECT IDA CHONG IN OAK BAY - ... -
Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Associations, institutions, etc., Small business, Immigrants, Community development, Communities, Neighborhoods, and Group identityLanguage:chiDate Created:April 2011Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:30 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newsletters, serials (publications), pamphlets, and periodicalsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 二 零 一 一 年 四 月 / 五 月 第 十 一 卷 第九期 出 版 者 : 維 多 利 亞 中 華 會 館 非 賣 品 雙月刊 April / May 2011 域 多 利 華 僑 公 立 學 校 Victor... -
Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Neighborhoods, Immigrants, Small business, Community development, Group identity, Associations, institutions, etc., and CommunitiesLanguage:chiDate Created:February 2007Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:28 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:periodicals, newsletters, serials (publications), and pamphletsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 館 同 仁 敬 賀 二零零七年二月第九卷第四期 出版者••維多利亞 中華會館 February / March, 2007 聽第八十四期 月刊 Supporting Our Community Through Quality ... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Small business, Associations, institutions, etc., Neighborhoods, Immigrants, Communities, Group identity, and Community developmentLanguage:chiDate Created:June 1994Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:26 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:serials (publications), newsletters, pamphlets, and periodicalsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER 本市橋校師生訪問省督府 林思齊督憲夫人親切接待 C H ^ u ^ f ^ 第 ‘AJL四年六月 - 卷 笫 八 期 -吳紫雲 出版者:中華^ fT 636 Fisgard Street Victoria, B. C. V8W 1R6 非買品 五月四日是本市華僑公立學校全體師生的一個大日子,蕃備了二個多月的省督府訪問,终於在這一 天如期進行。這是繼二年前訪問猶太人學校之後的另一次大型課外活動。 ^ 是日下午雨後初晴,陽光普照,載滿僑校師生... -
Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Group identity, Immigrants, Neighborhoods, Small business, Community development, Communities, and Associations, institutions, etc.Language:chiDate Created:December 1994Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:26 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newsletters, periodicals, pamphlets, and serials (publications)Is Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
靜 一 九 九 四 年 十 二 月 第 二 卷 第 一 期 ( 總 1 1 ) 出版者: 中 華 會 館 Published by : Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 賣 b r uo 臂 MJ^L \fy 1 ‘ SSŜSBSB s ..、 § mf^-i 'fjSf^Mk-... -
Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Immigrants, Communities, Small business, Neighborhoods, Community development, Group identity, and Associations, institutions, etc.Language:chiDate Created:February 2006Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:30 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:pamphlets, serials (publications), periodicals, and newslettersIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
二零零六年二月第八卷第八期總第七十八期 出版者:維多利亞 中華會館 非賣品雙月刊 February / March, 2006 CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 靳 春 如 意 龍 爲 f t 神 Supporting Our Com... -
Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Neighborhoods, Associations, institutions, etc., Communities, Immigrants, Group identity, Small business, and Community developmentLanguage:chiDate Created:October 1998Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:32 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:newsletters, pamphlets, periodicals, and serials (publications)Is Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
一 ; ^ 年 十 月 第四卷 第四期 總三十四期 出 版 者 : 維 多 利 亞 中 華 非 賣 品 雙月刊 October/November 1998 C f f l N A T O W N N E W S L E T T E R Published by: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 CREASE ... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Associations, institutions, etc., Communities, Small business, Neighborhoods, Community development, Group identity, and ImmigrantsLanguage:chiDate Created:February 1997Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:28 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:serials (publications), newsletters, periodicals, and pamphletsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Published by: Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax:384-7358 ^ 丄 - 5 恭 臂 春 釐 f < J 3 L : i ' . 4 i s i j . ‘ ̂ > . : I 歲 $ 安 减 中 華 會 餺 同 人 奮 一 九 九 七 年 二 月 第 三 卷 第四期 總 二 ... -
Alternative Title:Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xunSubject:Group identity, Associations, institutions, etc., Neighborhoods, Communities, Immigrants, Community development, and Small businessLanguage:chiDate Created:April 2008Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:30 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--ChinatownCoordinates:48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:serials (publications), pamphlets, periodicals, and newslettersIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 二零零八年四月第十卷第一期總第九十一期 出版者:維多利亞 中華會館 非賣品雙月刊 April / May, 2008 ^ U R B C C S S r ] F i n a n c i a l 一 * 一 � ” ^ G r o u p 皇 家 銀 行... -
Alternative Title:Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletterSubject:Communities, Neighborhoods, Associations, institutions, etc., Community development, Small business, Group identity, and ImmigrantsLanguage:chiDate Created:December 2009Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextIdentifier:Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5Extent:28 pagesGeographic Coverage:British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--VictoriaCoordinates:48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679Additional Physical Characteristics:illustrations, photographsPhysical Repository:Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)Collection:Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese CanadiansProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:periodicals, newsletters, serials (publications), and pamphletsIs Referenced By:Victoria's Chinatown Project Website: Digitized:2012Technical Note:Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.Keyword in Context:Transcript available
Published by Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street, Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 「粵藝曲韻耀僑校J演唱會之「打金枝J 二零零九年十二月第十一卷第一期總第壹百零一期 出版者••維多利亞 中華會館非賣品雙月刊 December 2009 / January 2010 REAL ESTATE SALES • ^EMBERTON HOL...