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Subject:Periodical editors, Scholars, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Authors, English, Critics, Authors, Periodicals--Publishing, Jarrett, Percy W., Poets, Poets, English, Skelton, Robin, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Book industries and trade, English poetry--Manuscripts, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, and Skelton, SylviaCreator:Contributor:Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.Language:engDate Created:September 12, 1980?Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:2 pagesGeographic Coverage:England--LondonCoordinates:51.50853, -0.12574Additional Physical Characteristics:Handwritten in black ink on letterhead.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Philobiblion CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:correspondence and picture postcardsArchival Item Identifier:Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13Fonds Title:Philobiblion fondsFonds Identifier:SC368Is Referenced By:Special Collections finding aid: Digitized:2022-10-14Technical Note:Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
Subject:Skelton, Sylvia, Periodical editors, Poets, English poetry--Manuscripts, Book industries and trade, Skelton, Robin, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Jarrett, Percy W., Periodicals--Publishing, Critics, Authors, English, Poets, English, Authors, and ScholarsCreator:Contributor:Jarrett, Percy W. and Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.)Language:engDate Created:April 11, 1980?Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:2 pagesGeographic Coverage:England--LondonCoordinates:51.50853, -0.12574Additional Physical Characteristics:Handwritten in blue ink on personal letterhead.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Philobiblion CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:picture postcards and correspondenceArchival Item Identifier:Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13Fonds Title:Philobiblion fondsFonds Identifier:SC368Is Referenced By:Special Collections finding aid: Digitized:2022-10-14Technical Note:Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
Subject:Authors, English, Book industries and trade, Authors, Periodical editors, Periodicals--Publishing, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Critics, Scholars, Skelton, Robin, Poets, English, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Jarrett, Percy W., English poetry--Manuscripts, Poets, Skelton, Sylvia, and Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.)Creator:Contributor:Jarrett, Percy W. and Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.)Language:engDate Created:October 22, 1969?Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:2 pagesGeographic Coverage:England--LondonCoordinates:51.50853, -0.12574Additional Physical Characteristics:Handwritten in blue ink on personal letterhead.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Philobiblion CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:picture postcards and correspondenceArchival Item Identifier:Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.10Fonds Title:Philobiblion fondsFonds Identifier:SC368Is Referenced By:Special Collections finding aid: Digitized:2022-10-14Technical Note:Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
Subject:Book industries and trade, Jarrett, Percy W., Poets, English, Critics, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Skelton, Sylvia, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, English poetry--Manuscripts, Poets, Authors, English, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Periodicals--Publishing, Periodical editors, Scholars, Skelton, Robin, and AuthorsCreator:Contributor:Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.Language:engDate Created:February 27, 1976?Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:2 pagesGeographic Coverage:England--LondonCoordinates:51.50853, -0.12574Additional Physical Characteristics:Handwritten in blue ink on personal letterhead.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Philobiblion CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:correspondence and picture postcardsArchival Item Identifier:Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.01Fonds Title:Philobiblion fondsFonds Identifier:SC368Is Referenced By:Special Collections finding aid: Digitized:2022-10-14Technical Note:Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
Subject:Poets, English, Skelton, Sylvia, Poets, Periodicals--Publishing, Book industries and trade, Jarrett, Elizabeth, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), English poetry--Manuscripts, Authors, Critics, Skelton, Robin, Jarrett, Percy W., Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Authors, English, Scholars, and Periodical editorsCreator:Contributor:Jarrett, Percy W. and Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.)Language:engDate Created:March 23, 1983?Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:2 pagesGeographic Coverage:England--LondonCoordinates:51.50853, -0.12574Additional Physical Characteristics:Handwritten in black ink on personal letterhead.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Philobiblion CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:correspondence and picture postcardsArchival Item Identifier:Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.12Fonds Title:Philobiblion fondsFonds Identifier:SC368Is Referenced By:Special Collections finding aid: Digitized:2022-10-14Technical Note:Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.
Subject:Jarrett, Percy W., Scholars, Book industries and trade, Critics, Poets, English, Authors, English, Skelton, Sylvia, Periodical editors, English poetry--Manuscripts, Periodicals--Publishing, Raine, Kathleen, 1908-2003, Poets, Authors, Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.), Jarrett, Elizabeth, and Skelton, RobinCreator:Contributor:Philobiblion (Bookseller : Victoria, B.C.) and Jarrett, Percy W.Language:engDate Created:September 15, 1980?Rights Statement:Resource Type:TextExtent:2 pagesAdditional Physical Characteristics:Handwritten in black ink.Physical Repository:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryCollection:Philobiblion CollectionProvider:University of Victoria (B.C.). LibraryGenre:picture postcards and correspondenceArchival Item Identifier:Accession Number: 1999-045; Series 01: Correspondence and related material; File: 1.13Fonds Title:Philobiblion fondsFonds Identifier:SC368Is Referenced By:Special Collections finding aid: Digitized:2022-10-14Technical Note:Scanning and metadata by Rowan O'Brian and additional metadata by SC.