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Heighten our vigilance, protect the motherland! Be prepared to repel invading enemies at any time! (提高警惕,保卫祖国!随时准备歼灭入侵之敌!)
Not one inch of our fair land will we surrender (祖国的好山河寸土不让)
Strike fiercely (狠狠地打) [posters 01 and 02]
Massed troops sweep aside the "Gang of Four" (千军横扫四人帮)
Army loves the people, the people embrace the army; Army and people together celebrate victory (军爱民 民拥军 军民同歌庆胜利)
Army and people fight shoulder to shoulder; Be exceptionally vigilant protecting the border regions (军民并肩同战斗 百倍警惕守边疆)
Carry on revolutionary traditions Strive for still greater glory (发扬革命传统 争取更大的光荣)
Border cavalry (边疆铁骑)