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- Alternative Title
- Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletter
- Subject
- Immigrants, Neighborhoods, Communities, Community development, Small business, Associations, institutions, etc., and Group identity
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- April 1993
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 8 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown
- Coordinates
- 48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- serials (publications), pamphlets, periodicals, and newsletters
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- 發 刊 辭 陳 熾 St ( 域多利中華會館於一九九三年一月十七曰舉行改選新職員,結果前任副主席梁 ^ T t 肇成以眾望所歸當選爲主席。在二月二十一曰中華會館舉行新舊職員交待典禮中, 新任主席梁肇成致辭,講及今届人事之分配與調動,以及未來會務之新猷,其中一 項最令人注目者,厥爲落實出版部之功能。梁主席指出:適去會館出版部全無表現 有名無實,形同虛設。提出今後出版部試行出版華僑通訊,報道華埠消息,僑團動 態,市政府消息及法令之頒佈以及與僑胞息息妨閲之訊息等等。梁主席之建議,自 然爲大眾所支持。 環視本...
- Alternative Title
- Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletter
- Subject
- Group identity, Small business, Communities, Associations, institutions, etc., Community development, Neighborhoods, and Immigrants
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- June 1993
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 10 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--Victoria
- Coordinates
- 48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- pamphlets, serials (publications), periodicals, and newsletters
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- 從出版《举辜通訊》兼論中華 ^ f r w之— 梁榮成 本埠<華填通訊》雙月刊已於四月份頎利出版了.早匙時候中華會館出版部主任吳紫雲女 士要我寫一篇文章助陣,我也有此意,但因公私兩亊繁忙,所以延遲至今才寫出,冥是十分抱 歉. <華卑通訊》是本埠唯一出版的中文刊物,我們要儘量支持它.例如多投稿,多给予有建 設性的意見,使它在份量及内容得到充资和擴大篇幅•經费方面,目前由中華會館鼎力支持, 將柬可能接胜廣告.葫補經费支虫.接廑去的好虚除了赴缒费有誉助之外.道可以使大衆多知 道市場的消息,購物的去處和選擇.這是一般裉刊...
- Alternative Title
- Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletter
- Subject
- Community development, Neighborhoods, Immigrants, Group identity, Associations, institutions, etc., Communities, and Small business
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- August 1993
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 18 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown
- Coordinates
- 48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- newsletters, serials (publications), pamphlets, and periodicals
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- v / /乙 泠 / b 二 : 非 赏 品 CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER 略談本埠中華雜己之職權 有一次中華會館召開月會,論及會館支出簽署支票職權之事,其中有一位理事起立反對書 記簽署會館支票。他所持的理由是:書記並非本館理事,無權簽署支票。又有一次開會時,有 一位理事説:書記只是記錄開會議案而已,無表決之權也。這是筆者親耳聽到的,至於流言方 面,又據說:有一位理事質問主席,爲什麼年年都是由某君當書記呢?以上的瑣事,當然可以 作耳邊風或道聽途説,實在無關宏旨,不必介懷。剛好中華會館現在出版華埠...
- Alternative Title
- Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xun
- Subject
- Associations, institutions, etc., Communities, Immigrants, Small business, Neighborhoods, Group identity, and Community development
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- October 1993
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 14 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--Victoria
- Coordinates
- 48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- pamphlets, periodicals, newsletters, and serials (publications)
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- ~ ^ 森 一 (本文承吳紫雲先生兩吹打電話來要我寫篇稿來填補《華埠通訊》的篇幅。說句實話:“揸鋤頭 耕園我倒有幾十年功力;執笨寫文章我實在是外行。”但為了支持《華填通訊》却又何妨像唱卡拉 O . K . 一樣;儘管高手如雲,登臺捧捧場,我有卷缴也算O.K. 了。) 回憶十多年前,我曾寫遇一篇有關域多利華埠的報道給一家中文報館發表過。主要是描述了當年 華埠的蕭條冷落;陳舊的建築物襯托着疏落的幾個老僑。淒涼景象使人對這具有悠久歷史的華埠前景’ 實屬堪虞。 "十年人事幾更新。”近十年來域多利的華埠的確是興旺、熱鬧和...
- Alternative Title
- Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xun
- Subject
- Group identity, Associations, institutions, etc., Communities, Neighborhoods, Community development, Small business, and Immigrants
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- December 1993
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 16 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown
- Coordinates
- 48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- serials (publications), pamphlets, periodicals, and newsletters
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- 第一卷第五期 出 版 者 : 中 華 M 636 Fisgard Street Victoria, B. C. V8W 1R6 非賣品 CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER 域埠中蓽^ f r歷^^之編基與保存述略 、 一陳熾 一,前言 一九七三年二月十九曰下午二時域埠中華會館禮堂上舉行了一個簡單而隆重的 交接禮,中華會館主席劉述堯把會館的歷史文獻六十多份交與域多利大學圖書館負賁 人收存。寄放于大學圖書館内爲期二十年以利於研究華僑史之學者問津。當時筆者亦 在場,見到交接及簽署文件儀式。 ...
- Alternative Title
- Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xun
- Subject
- Small business, Immigrants, Associations, institutions, etc., Communities, Neighborhoods, Group identity, and Community development
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- February 1994
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 16 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown
- Coordinates
- 48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- pamphlets, periodicals, serials (publications), and newsletters
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER 九 九 四 i 第一卷第六期 - t ‘ 出版者:中華_ ^636 Fisgard Street •J1 j l 4 Victoria, B. C. V8W 1R 賣 t r PO 歲。首雒談 檢 討 去 展 窒 决 來 � > - 陳 熾 ‘陽潜新年轉眼又適去了,陰曆新年又接着降臨。我們華人不論在國内或海外都過兩次新年。現在是歲首,語貴吉样,本刊同 - ^人在产謹祝各位新春大吉,萬事如意。, / ‘ ”我們在韋首總薈希望世界大4二年娃適二...
- Alternative Title
- Hua bu tong xun and Chinatown newsletter
- Subject
- Neighborhoods, Immigrants, Community development, Small business, Communities, Associations, institutions, etc., and Group identity
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- April 1994
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 20 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria and British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown
- Coordinates
- 48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- periodicals, pamphlets, newsletters, and serials (publications)
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER 一九九四年四月 第一卷第七期 出版者:中華脅佛 636 Fisgard Street Victoria, B. C. V8W 1R6 , 非買品 光陰似流水般地過去,本刊從去年四月創刊至今,不覺巳過了一年。本刊由本期起進 入第二年。過去一年來得到各界人士供給稿件,尤其是得到孔士山房孔先生代爲打字,羅 伯特先生供給圖片,使本刊每期能如期出版。本刊謹在此向各位鳴謝。本刊由第三期起刊 登廣告,承各行業人士惠登本刊,對本刊經費有很大的幫助,希望各客戶繼續支持。 本...
- Alternative Title
- Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xun
- Subject
- Small business, Associations, institutions, etc., Neighborhoods, Immigrants, Communities, Group identity, and Community development
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- June 1994
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 26 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--Victoria
- Coordinates
- 48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- serials (publications), newsletters, pamphlets, and periodicals
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER 本市橋校師生訪問省督府 林思齊督憲夫人親切接待 C H ^ u ^ f ^ 第 ‘AJL四年六月 - 卷 笫 八 期 -吳紫雲 出版者:中華^ fT 636 Fisgard Street Victoria, B. C. V8W 1R6 非買品 五月四日是本市華僑公立學校全體師生的一個大日子,蕃備了二個多月的省督府訪問,终於在這一 天如期進行。這是繼二年前訪問猶太人學校之後的另一次大型課外活動。 ^ 是日下午雨後初晴,陽光普照,載滿僑校師生...
- Alternative Title
- Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xun
- Subject
- Immigrants, Communities, Associations, institutions, etc., Neighborhoods, Group identity, Small business, and Community development
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- August 1994
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 22 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--Victoria
- Coordinates
- 48.4359, -123.35155 and 48.4294, -123.3679
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- pamphlets, serials (publications), periodicals, and newsletters
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER 親民省督林思齊 體恤下屬受愛戴 第 一 卷 第 九 期 出版者:中華會館 Published by : Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 Phone: 384-7352 Fax: 384-7358 非 賣 品 _吳紫雲_ 卑詩省省督林思齊,不只在維市的華人社會中受尊敬和愛戴,在維市整個社區, 在全卑詩省,全加國甚至美國,他...
- Alternative Title
- Chinatown newsletter and Hua bu tong xun
- Subject
- Immigrants, Group identity, Community development, Communities, Small business, Associations, institutions, etc., and Neighborhoods
- Creator
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Language
- chi
- Date created
- October 1994
- Rights Statement
- In Copyright
- Resource Type
- Text
- Identifier
- Call Number: FC3846.9 C5C5
- Extent
- 20 pages
- Geographic Coverage
- British Columbia--Victoria--Chinatown and British Columbia--Victoria
- Coordinates
- 48.4294, -123.3679 and 48.4359, -123.35155
- Additional Physical Characteristics
- illustrations, photographs
- Physical Repository
- Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (Victoria, B.C.)
- Collection
- Victoria’s Chinatown, a gateway to the past and present of Chinese Canadians
- Provider
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre
- newsletters, periodicals, serials (publications), and pamphlets
- Is Referenced By
- Victoria's Chinatown Project Website:
- Date Digitized
- 2012
- Technical Note
- Metadata created by GF. Migration metadata by MT.
- Keyword in Context
- CHINATOWN NEWSLETTER 一 九 九 四 年 十 月 第 一 卷 第 十 期 出 版 者 : 中 華 會 館 Published by : Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association 636 Fisgard Street Victoria, B.C. V8W 1R6 和 藹 可 親 林 夫 人 ph ° ne: 384 - 7352 Frt 3r35: 卑 詩 督 憲 賢 内 助 ——吳紫雲—— 大家都知道卑詩省有位卓越的省督林思齊,俗語有...