Italic type, Printers' marks, Early printed books, Silvae (Statius, P. Papinius), Rare books, Achilleis (Statius, P. Papinius), Colophons, Works (Statius, P. Papinius), Bookbinding, Epic literature, and Thebais (Statius, P. Papinius)
Italic type. Printer's device, sig. ep8s (last group of small letters), recto: anchor and dolphin, with name Aldus, and dots. Spaces with guide letters left blank for initials.
Physical Repository:
University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
Early Printed Books and Book Arts Collection
University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
poetry, books, and epic poetry
Date Digitized:
Technical Note:
Scanned on Betterlight/TTI (1/20; 263; copy 4 stops; camera 800) by LG. Metadata by KD.