Military History Collection

User Collection Public

The Military History Collection is comprised of books, archival materials, photographs, oral histories, and other objects relating to military service and interventions, including WWI, WWII, the Korean War and the War in Afghanistan. Perspectives represented here include soldiers and their friends and families.

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Subcollections (7)

Works (1646)

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5th and 6th Canadian Siege Batteries, Belgium
6 inch Howitzer at Bonn
6 inch Howitzer in Hofzarlan (?), Bonn
72nd Tug of War Team [Wills Photograph Album Page 51]
A Canadian Soldier's Annual Bath [Wills Photograph Album Page 63]
A Soldier's Diary - clipping [All in a Lifetime illustrated autobiography chapter Page 41]
Ablain St. Nazaire (West of Souchez and Lens) [1.14.19]
Ablain St. Nazaire (West of Souchez and Lens) [1.14.20]
Ablaine St. Nazaire [1.15.55]
Ablaine St. Nazaire [1.15.56]