Military History Collection

User Collection Public

The Military History Collection is comprised of books, archival materials, photographs, oral histories, and other objects relating to military service and interventions, including WWI, WWII, the Korean War and the War in Afghanistan. Perspectives represented here include soldiers and their friends and families.

Resource type Subject Genre

Works (1642)

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List of items in this collection
  Title Date Created Date Added Visibility
  1860?/1922 2022-03-08 Public
  1870/1915? 2022-03-08 Public
  1898 2021-09-01 Public
  1900?/1910? 2022-03-08 Public
  1905?/1910? 2022-03-08 Public
  1909/1914 2022-03-08 Public
  1909/1969 2022-03-08 Public
  1909?/1913? 2022-03-08 Public
  1910/1936 2022-03-08 Public
  1910 2022-03-25 Public