Military History Collection

User Collection Public

The Military History Collection is comprised of books, archival materials, photographs, oral histories, and other objects relating to military service and interventions, including WWI, WWII, the Korean War and the War in Afghanistan. Perspectives represented here include soldiers and their friends and families.

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Subcollections (7)

Works (1646)

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Air Marshal William Avery "Billy" Bishop [Wills Photograph Album Page 69]
Albain St. Nazaire  [Wills Photograph Album Page 15]
Albert Cathedral "as it is to-day"
Albert Cathedral showing "Golden Virgin" hanging
Albert and the Cathedral
Ammunition column mules, each carrying, without rider, eight 18 pounder artillery shells
Ammunition loading station, narrow gauge railway
Archie Wills - Cemetery Villers-au-Bois photograph
Area surrounding Mt. St. Eloi [Wills Photograph Album Page 08]