Military History Collection

User Collection Public

The Military History Collection is comprised of books, archival materials, photographs, oral histories, and other objects relating to military service and interventions, including WWI, WWII, the Korean War and the War in Afghanistan. Perspectives represented here include soldiers and their friends and families.

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Subcollections (7)

Works (1646)

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Bomb exploding
Bomb store in a Nissen hut at the front line [Wills Photograph Album Page 65]
Bombardment [Wills Photograph Album Page 11]
Bonn, market place
Boxing at Valcartier Camp
Bridge at Cologne
Brigadier General Dodds at Quebec (lower figure)
Brigadier General W.O.H. Dodds [1.14.100]
Brigadier General W.O.H. Dodds [1.14.101]
Burning Building, Valeciennes, France [Wills Photograph Album Page 64]