Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
User Collection Public
University of Victoria Special Collections and University Archives houses a significant number of medieval and early modern manuscripts. These include medieval and Renaissance documents from England, France, Spain and Italy, including deeds, charters, illuminated manuscript leaves, letters, letter patents, papal bulls, fragments from religious manuscripts, manuscripts on medicine and magic, a catalogue of English armorial shields, statutes of the Garter, and a manuscript of a Spanish Carmelite prioress.
An inventory of the collection is available here:
Collection Details
- Items 91
- Last Updated 2024-11-21
Works (91)
31. Leaf from a Book of Hours, Fragment
- Title:
- Leaf from a Book of Hours, Fragment
- Description:
- Book of Hours, Use of Sarum, France, c.1425-1450. Single leaf from a manuscript produced in France for export to England or sale to English customers abroad.
- Subject:
- Manuscripts, Medieval, Catholic Church, Prayers and devotions, and Books of hours
- Language:
- lat
- Date Created:
- 1425~/1450~
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.11
- Extent:
- 1 leaf; vellum; 195 x 140 mm
- Geographic Coverage:
- France
- Coordinates:
- 46, 2
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Apparatus in red; small pen-flourished initials in blue and red and gold and black; four larger decorated initials in gold, pink and blue; contemporary corrections to text; two prayers erased in lower half of verso of leaf.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- fragments (object portions) and manuscripts (documents)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- 1992-045, Item 4
- Fonds Title:
- Medieval Studies Collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC070
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collection Inventory: and Archival finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2012-02-23
- Technical Note:
- Metadata by KD.
32. Leaf from a Missal, Fragment
- Title:
- Leaf from a Missal, Fragment
- Description:
- Missal, England, c.1425-1450. Fragment of a leaf from a large noted Missal with apparatus in red and with musical notation.
- Subject:
- Manuscripts, Medieval and Missals
- Language:
- lat
- Date Created:
- 1425~/1450~
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.12
- Extent:
- 1 leaf; vellum; 210 x 360 mm
- Geographic Coverage:
- England
- Coordinates:
- 52.16045, -0.70312
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Yellow wash initials in text; musical neumes on four staves; hierarchy of scripts in main text and rubrics; one large decorated penwork initial in blue and red.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- fragments (object portions) and manuscripts (documents)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- 1992-045, Item 6
- Fonds Title:
- Medieval Studies Collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC070
- Is_referenced_by:
- Archival finding aid: and Special Collection Inventory:
- Date Digitized:
- 2012-02-23
- Technical Note:
- Metadata by KD.
33. Leaf from a Missal, Fragment
- Title:
- Leaf from a Missal, Fragment
- Description:
- Missal, Italy or Avignon, c. 1425.
- Subject:
- Manuscripts, Medieval and Missals
- Language:
- lat
- Date Created:
- 1425~
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.10
- Extent:
- 1 leaf; vellum; 155 x 115 mm
- Geographic Coverage:
- Italy and France--Avignon
- Coordinates:
- 42.83333, 12.83333 and 43.94834, 4.80892
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- With flourished and un-flourished initials in red, blue and purple; yellow wash highlighting in text; pricking for column ruling.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- fragments (object portions) and manuscripts (documents)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- 1992-045, Item 3
- Fonds Title:
- Medieval Studies Collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC070
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collection Inventory: and Archival finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2012-02-23
- Technical Note:
- Metadata by KD.
34. Fall of Princes
- Title:
- Fall of Princes
- Description:
- The Fall of Princes, produced around 1480, is a work by John Lydgate (ca.1370-1451) on the fortunes of famous people and how fate brought about their downfall. Lydgate based his text on a similar work by Boccaccio.
- Subject:
- Mythology, Fate and fatalism, Poetry, Medieval, and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Creator:
- Lydgate, John, 1370?-1451?
- Language:
- lat
- Date Created:
- 1431~/1438~
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelf Mark: Ms.Eng.1
- Extent:
- 122 folios ; 260 x 350 mm
- Alternative Title:
- John Lydgate, Fall of Princes and "Fall of Princes", Manuscript
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Paper and parchment., Two columns per page (90 x 300mm, 60-70 text lines per column)., and Previously bound in seventeenth-century leather binding; disbound by University of Victoria for restoration purposes and now housed in archival folders that do not correspond to quires. Leaves were edged in red ink after trimming, creating a red mottled effect when all leaves are viewed closed together.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provenance:
- Sold at Sotheby's 14 July 1947 (lot 181), and purchased by University of Victoria from the family of the 1947 buyer in 1977.
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- manuscripts (documents)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- 1977-005
- Fonds Title:
- Medieval Studies Collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC070
- Is_referenced_by:
- Archival finding aid:, University of Victoria Lydgate MS Fall of Princes Website:, and Special Collections Inventory:
- Date Digitized:
- 2012-03-16
- Technical Note:
- Metadata by KD.
35. Codex Lindstedt (Ferial Psalter and Breviary)
- Title:
- Codex Lindstedt (Ferial Psalter and Breviary)
- Description:
- In its original wood boards, dated by the second scribe who added texts in 1493, and with a provenance that is relatively rare near Trieste, the present manuscript for use within a mendicant context also contains rare rubrics by Pope Boniface IX for the readings used at matins during the last months of the liturgical year. -- Bookseller's description.
- Subject:
- Prayers and devotions, Manuscripts, Medieval, Liturgies, and Catholic Church
- Language:
- lat
- Date Created:
- 1450~/1493
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelfmark: Ms.Lat.2. and Call number: BX2033 A2 1455
- Extent:
- 1 volume; i + 337 folios, 23 cm
- Geographic Coverage:
- Italy--Trieste
- Coordinates:
- 45.64953,13.77678
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Manuscript on paper; in red and black ink. In cloth covered wooden box. For further physical description see:
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provenance:
- Chiefly gift of Brian Pollick, spouse of Heather Lindstedt, Victoria, B.C., 2012.
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- manuscripts (documents)
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collection Inventory:
- Date Digitized:
- 2019-08-12/2019-08-27
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on Betterlight/TTI (camera height 500 // 1/15s // 283 // bent5 tone) PD. Metadata by KD.
36. Folium from a Medieval Psalter, Fragment
- Title:
- Folium from a Medieval Psalter, Fragment
- Description:
- Folium from a medieval Psalter, Psalm 90:12-91:2, Flemish (Ghent?), c. 1450-1460.
- Subject:
- Psalters and Manuscripts, Medieval
- Language:
- lat
- Date Created:
- 1450~/1460~
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.15
- Extent:
- 1 folium ; 125 x 90 mm (77 x 62 mm)
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Vellum. and Latin text in Gothic script (littera minuscula gothica textualis semi-quadrata formata) ruled in ink for a single column of writing. Decoration consists of the following: gilded litterae notabiliores pen-flourished in blue alternating with similarly pen-flourished letters of blue and red; a single gilded initial B on a cusped rectilinear ground in rose and containing white-highlighted blue in-fill; the head of the B extends into a partial rectilinear foliate bar border in gold, blue, and rose, from which issue gilded ivy leaves with pen-drawn tendrils; the upper and lower margins contain foliate borders, comprised of gilded ivy leaves with tendrils and other naturalistic elements in green, rose, and blue; line-fillers in blue and gold.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- manuscripts (documents) and fragments (object portions)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- Accession Number: 1994-013, Item: 1
- Fonds Title:
- Medieval Studies Collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC070
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collection Inventory: and Archival finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2022-08-03
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on Betterlight TTI 600 DPI TIFF -- initially at camera height 1100 but felt scans lacked detail. lowered camera to 800. (1/20; 253; copy4) by PD. Metadata by KD.
37. Leaf from a Medieval Book of Hours, Fragment
- Title:
- Leaf from a Medieval Book of Hours, Fragment
- Description:
- Illuminated leaf from a Medieval Book of Hours, probably East Central Italy, ca. 1450-1500. Text is prayers of the "Office of the Dead".
- Subject:
- Manuscripts, Medieval, Catholic Church, Prayers and devotions, and Books of hours
- Language:
- lat
- Date Created:
- 1450~/1500~
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelf Mark: Fragm.Brown.Lat.6
- Extent:
- 1 leaf; vellum; 144 x 103 mm
- Alternative Title:
- Illuminated Leaf from a Medieval Book of Hours
- Geographic Coverage:
- Italy--Italy, Central
- Coordinates:
- 42.83829, 12.24145
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Latin Gothic script with large initial 'D'. Mounted.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provenance:
- Donated by Bruce and Dorothy Brown.
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- fragments (object portions), manuscripts (documents), and illuminated manuscripts
- Archival Item Identifier:
- 2003-018-4
- Fonds Title:
- Bruce and Dorothy Brown Collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC017
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collection Inventory: and Archival finding aid:
- Date Digitized:
- 2012-02-23
- Technical Note:
- Metadata by KD.
38. Litany from a Book of Hours, Fragment
- Title:
- Litany from a Book of Hours, Fragment
- Description:
- Litany from a Book of Hours, France, Poitiers?, c.1450.
- Subject:
- Manuscripts, Medieval, Catholic Church, Prayers and devotions, and Books of hours
- Language:
- lat
- Date Created:
- 1450~
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelf Mark: Fragm.Lat.13
- Extent:
- 1 page; vellum; 165 x 115 mm
- Geographic Coverage:
- France
- Coordinates:
- 46, 2
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- With line-fillers in blue, gold and pink; thirteen decorated intitials in gold, blue and pink, introducing each line.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- fragments (object portions) and manuscripts (documents)
- Archival Item Identifier:
- 1992-045, Item 7
- Fonds Title:
- Medieval Studies Collection
- Fonds Identifier:
- SC070
- Is_referenced_by:
- Archival finding aid: and Special Collection Inventory:
- Date Digitized:
- 2012-02-23
- Technical Note:
- Metadata by KD.
39. Memoriale de prerogativa imperii romani
- Title:
- Memoriale de prerogativa imperii romani
- Description:
- "This is a remarkable manuscript. Introduced by an illuminated frontispiece of Emperor Frederick III enthroned and surrounded by his electors, this volume is an example of a book copied in Germany that includes a text in Middle English, an almost unique phenomenon. Its compiler(s) exhibit a sophisticated interest in history, especially the history of the Holy Roman Empire, with an emphasis on Cologne. Its contents include abbreviated chronicles (mostly quite rare) and catalogs of bishops, archbishops, and ruling princes, numerous epitaphs, and the English Act of Accord of 1460. After copying, it was annotated and perfected by later hands until the end of the fifteenth century. Why and for whom it was made, and its exact relationship to a historical miscellany now in Hamburg with similar contents, are just some of the questions that remain to be answered." -- Description from Les Enluminures website.
- Subject:
- Early works, Kings and rulers, State, The, England. Parliament, Europe--Holy Roman Empire, Politics and government, Bishops, History, and Manuscripts
- Creator:
- Alexander, von Roes, active 13th century
- Contributor:
- Regino, of Prüm, approximately 840-915
- Language:
- lat and enm
- Date Created:
- 1457/1490
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Call Number: DD126 A44 1457 and Shelf Mark: Ms.Lat.9
- Extent:
- 95 folios, preceded by a single and followed by 2 paper flyleaves : illuminations, portrait, coats of arms ; 23 x 17 cm.
- Alternative Title:
- Reminder of the Prerogative of the Roman Empire
- Geographic Coverage:
- France, Rome (Empire), Germany--Cologne, Germany--Bavaria, and Germany
- Coordinates:
- 50.93333, 6.95, 51.5, 10.5, 41.8925, 12.48499, 46, 2, and 49, 11.5
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Bound in deerskin over wood boards, back sewn on four bands (not its original binding, although binding is a period binding, here reused), front and back covers worn, cracking along the upper joint. Damaged in the upper and inner margin, opening folio and edges of many leaves damaged, small tear upper margin ff. 62-63, but overall fair condition with the text undamaged and legible. Written in a variety of hands, mostly in very small formal cursive gothic bookhands ... contemporary marginal annotations and early additions throughout, some dated, often copied on small strips of paper bound in, red rubrics, some red paragraph marks, some guide letters, numerous capitals stroked in red, one-to five-line initials alternating red and blue, approximately 35 small colored armorial shields found in the margins, ... two small miniatures ... one heraldic composition with 8 colored armorial shields (f. 17v), one full-page wash-colored pen drawing of Emperor Frederick III surrounded by the seven imperial electors and with armorial shields and inscriptions. -- Description from Les Enluminures website.
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provenance:
- Purchased from Les Enlumieres
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- early works, illuminated manuscripts, and manuscripts (documents)
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collection Inventory:
- Date Digitized:
- 2019-11-19
- Transcript:
- Transcription of fol. 15r (start of the 25 October 1460 Act of Accord) by Shaylene Keddy, as part of coursework for a manuscript studies course with Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin (ENGL), December 2018, is available here:
- Technical Note:
- 600 dpi TIFF. Item scanned on TTI/Betterlight (1/20; 283; bent5 tone profile; camera height 500). Metadata by KD.
40. Book of Hours (Use of Troyes)
- Title:
- Book of Hours (Use of Troyes)
- Description:
- Book of Hours from the collection of the Duc de La Valliere, nobleman and one of the greatest bibliophiles of all time, betrays the influence of the Master of the Troyes Missal, an accomplished illuminator active in or near Troyes between 1460 and 1480, and was undoubtedly the work of a member of his circle. Probably trained in Paris, members of this workshop executed many Books of Hours for owners in Champagne and eastern France.
- Subject:
- Prayers and devotions, Books of hours, Manuscripts, Medieval, and Catholic Church
- Creator:
- Duc de La Valliere
- Contributor:
- Master of the Troyes Missal
- Language:
- lat and fre
- Date Created:
- 1460~/1470~
- Rights Statement:
- No Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Only
- License:
- Contact Special Collections and University Archives for access to the original manuscript and for reproduction requests (fee for reproductions). This material is made available on this site for research and private study only.
- Resource Type:
- Identifier:
- Shelf Mark: Ms.Lat.8 and Call number: BX2080 T76 1460
- Extent:
- 1 volume; parchment, 163 x 120 mm
- Geographic Coverage:
- France--Troyes
- Coordinates:
- 48.30073,4.08524
- Additional Physical Characteristics:
- Bound in nineteenth century red morocco; gilt-stamped border of vine leaves with corner flowers on front and back; spine with four raised bands and gilt stamping; all edges gilt. Inscription on front flyleaf: "Ce Manuscrit a appartenu au Duc de la Vallie`re qui l'avait de l'Eveque de St Denis, il proviend[...?] de la Bibliotheque Royale de Versailles. Il est du 15e Sie`cle."
- Physical Repository:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Collection:
- Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts Collection
- Provenance:
- Purchased by University of Victoria in 2017 from Les Enluminures.
- Provider:
- University of Victoria (B.C.). Library
- Genre:
- illuminated manuscripts
- Is_referenced_by:
- Special Collection Inventory:
- Date Digitized:
- 2019-07-30/2019-08-06
- Transcript:
- List of contents (updated from bookseller description) and transcription of fols. 76r 87r (French prayers) by Mary Johnson, as part of coursework for a manuscript studies course with Dr. Adrienne Williams Boyarin (ENGL), December 2018, is available here:
- Technical Note:
- Scanned on TTI/betterlight system at 600 dpi TIFF (camera height 600, 1/20; 303; bent5). Book rested on cradle; pages held in place as needed by clear acetate. Scanned 30 July - 6 Aug 2019 PD. Metadata by KD.