Transcript |
- List of Works / Liste des oeuvres
1. Taiga Ikeno [1723-76]
Mount Fuji / Mont Fuji
Fan painting, ink on mica paper Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection
AGGV 1970.105.001 p.1
Taiga was born into a humble family, but became one of the greatest and most prolific painters of the Nanga school.
Taiga naquit dans une humble famille, mais devint Tun des plus grands peintres et I'un des plus prolifiques de l'ecole Nanga.
2. Samurai Suit of Armour Armour / Armure de samour�i 18th century, red lacquer, iron, silk braid
Flelmet, 16th century Harold and Vera Mortimer- Lamb Purchase Fund,
AGGV 1990.010.001 p.2
3. Netsuke (toggle) / (attache) Court Lady with puppy partly concealed in kimono, ivory, signed Flidemasa
19th century
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James and Joanna Davidson,
AGGV 2006.002.009 p.9
4. Beisanjin Okada (1744-1818) Prunus / Cerisiers calligraphy by
Koten Murase (1744/6-1818) Hanging scroll, ink on silk Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection
AGGV 1975.003.001 p.10
Beisanjin, which means rice mountain man, worked as a rice merchant in Osaka. He later became a self-taught painter and a Confucian scholar.
Beisanjin, qui se traduit par � homme du riz de montagne �, eta it marchand de riz � Osaka. II fut plus tard peintre autodidacte et lettre confuceen.
5. Kendi
Second half of 17th century Arita export ware, porcelain with polychrome enamels Fred and Isabel Pollard
AGGV 1965.050.001 p.15
The kendi, or gorgelet, is a drinking vessel with a bulbous body and a mammiform�shaped spout on one side. Its shape may have come from India and spread from there to China and Japan, where it was adopted for export ware.
Le kendi, ou verseuse, sert � boire � la regalade. Elle a un corps renfle et un bee verseur en forme de mamelle d'un cote. Cette forme pourrait etre originaire de finde, puis s'etre repandue en Chine et au Japon ou eile fut adoptee pour les pieces d'exportation.
6. Yoshitoshi Taiso (1839-92)
B ird s - eye View of a Yoshiwara Brothel / Vue a vol d'oiseau d'une maison close du Yoshiwara Given in Memory of Hilda Hale by the Asian Art Society of Victoria AGGV 2008.002.003 p.16/17
This print uses a traditional compositional technique known as fuki-nukiyatai (roof removing) to depict the interior of a building by rendering the building without a roof and ceiling so the viewer can look directly inside from above.
Cette peinture fait appel � une technique traditionnelle de composition appelee fuki-nukid
Shibata Zeshin (1807-91) Lacquer Inro,
Ivory Netsuke by Gyokuei Glass Ojime inlaid with lapis lazuli
Fred and Isabel Pollard Collection
AGGV 1968.267.001 p.18
8. Yoshitora Ichimosai
(active 1850-80)
Shogun Tokugawa leyasu (1542-1616)
Woodblock print Asian Art Purchase Fund AGGV 1991.024.001 p.20
leyasu became shogun in 1603, but abdicated at age 64
in favour of his son, Hidetada, in 1605 to guarantee a smooth transition of successive Tokugawa family shoguns.
He did continue as O-gosho (retired shogun) to direct the affairs of state until his death in 1616.
leyasu devint shogun en 1603. II abdiqua � l�ge de 64 ans, en 1605, pour ceder la place � son fils, Hidetada, et assurer une transition sans heurt aux shoguns successifs de la famille Tokugawa. II demeura O-gosho (shogun sortant) afin de pouvoir diriger les affaires de L�Etat jusqu�� sa mort en 1616.
9. Hiroshige II Utagawa
(1829-69), Nihonbashi Series: Forty-eight Views of Famous Places of Edo Woodblock print Gift of Dr. and Mrs. James Langley, AGGV 2004.026.001 p.21 (left)
The bridge at Nihonbashi had special importance as it was considered the official centre of Japan. The first Tokugawa shogun, leyasu, built the bridge in 1602 and it became the starting point for all the mileage markers on the roads leading to the other cities.
This scene shows a mass of bustling people on the bridge with the fish market in the foreground.
Le pont eta it particulierement important � Nihonbashi, car il eta it considere comme le centre officiel du Japon. Le premier shogun Tokugawa, leyasu, construisit ce pont en 1602 et en fit le point de depart des bornes kilometriques des routes qui conduisaient aux autres villes. Le pont est envahi de gens affaires. On apercoit les eventaires de poissons � lavant-plan.
10 Hiroshige II Utagawa
(1829-69), Surugacho Series: Forty-eight Views of Famous Places of Edo Woodblock print
Gift of Dr. and Mrs. James Langley, AGGV 2004.026.003 p. 21 (right)
Surugacho was a commercial centre in Edo. The street, showing many people and porters, is flanked on either side by shops, including the great trading house of Mitsui, which is now Japan's second- largest trading company.
Surugacho eta it un centre commercial d'Edo. La rue grouille de pietons, porteurs et cavaliers. Des boutiques la bordent des deux cotes, y compris le grand magasin Mitsui qui est aujourd'hui la deuxieme plus grande entreprise commerciale du Japon.
11. Assembled Samurai Suit of Armour / Armure de samour�i assemblee Armour, 18th/19th century Lacquered iron, silk braid Helmet and Face Mask,
16th/1 7th century
Gift of Professor Peter N.
Moogk, AGGV p.22
12 Yoshitora Ichimosai
(active 1850-80)
Tokugawa Commander Sakai Tadatsugu / Officier Tokugawa Sakai Tadatsugu Woodblock print Asian Art Purchase Fund,
AGGV 1991.024.006 p.23
Sakai Tadatsugu (1527-1596) was one of the most favoured and successful samurai commanders who served Tokugawa leyasu. His clan was eventually designated as trusted inner daimyo and made one of the Four Guardians of the Tokugawa regime.
L�officier Sakai Tadatsugu (1527-1596) eta it favorise par Tokugawa leyasu et fut celui, parmi les samourais, qui servit le mieux son maftre.
Son clan, ayant la confiance du shogunat, fut ulterieurement designe daimyo de I�interieur et fit partie des Quatre gardes du regime Tokugawa.