Transcript |
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Aug. [August] 22, 1930.
Fine and hot. Took shot at weasel in rock slide, hit
it but lost it in the rocks. Shot squirrel [male symbol], moult very
Aug. [August] 23, 1930.
Fine. Shot whistler [female symbol] and red squirrel [male symbol] finished moult,
[female symbol] M. [Microtus] mordax [underlined] etc. [etcetera]
Aug. [August] 24. 1930.
Fine. Took pictures of whistlers; tried to take pikas
but failed. Caught same weasel about 1/2 mile from where I
had shot it. 2 pellets through neck and one through chest,
did not seem to worry it at all. It was caught in a trap set
in a Col. [Columbian] ground squirrel burrow.
Aug. [August] 25, 1930.
Fine A.M. [morning] Rain P.M. [afternoon] Took hike to town for matches and
grub. Back by 12 P.M.; 2 hours out, 2 1/2 hours in. Took 2 chip-
munks near 40 mile creek. These are different to ones at higher
altitude, as they have more brown in the dark stripes and a
redder tail and a different shade in the sides. Saw pileated
woodpecker, Townsend's solitaire, Cooper's hawk.
Aug. [August] 26, 1930.
1/2 inch snow, rain. Took whistler and conies. Skinned
previous day's catch.
Aug. [August] 27th, 1930.
Took 2 whistlers and skinned all 3. Pikas cutting
young willow shoots. Expected Warden but he did not come.
Aug. [August] 28, 1930.
Fine. Made skeleton of one whistler. Took another [female symbol]
weasel in same trap. Set traps in runways in alpine willow.
Set mouse traps on rock ledge for Peromyscus [underlined].
Aug. [August] 29, 1930.
Fine (very windy). Took adult [female symbol] Peromyscus [underlined]. Very dark
almost chestnut brown. Head and neck sooty. Golden-cr. [crowned] sparrows,
bluebirds. Took Squirrel [female symbol], it was carrying a mouthful of nest
material - dry grass, etc. [etcetera] 7 P.M. hiked up Cascade Mt. [Mountain] looking
for whistlers and Callos. [Callospermophilus]. Took 2 male whistlers (very white mantle)
on lower levels. Conies and chipmunks present to top of ridge to
north of basin; conies cutting dryas (white)