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- line to Mr. Brayne in the hopes that a few lines will reach me Before long.
Very Best love to all
Southgate, Kent,
March 51st,191&.
Bear Mother & Bad, -
Intended holding over this letter until this Sunday, But having just finished writing to Gus, thought I’d Better make a complete joB of the family. You’ll notice my writing is getting smaller. Have a hunch this is going to Be another long letter so am going to economize on the stationery, I know Harold has written you telling of our trip down from Liverpool, But as I douBtless saw many things he didn’t, and am a more experienced letter writer, I am going to tax your patience By having you follow me from the time we sighted Ireland, All right, here goes.
Early the next morning after sitting Ireland, Ht.' Snowden in Wales came into view. They say it is the highest mountain in Great Britain, But it is only a mole hill in comparison with the mountains we have out in B.C,
Prom here to Liverpool is aBout 8 hours run, and apparently they aren't trouBled with submarines judging from the ships which were runming around in all directions, ranging in size from a trawler, to Boats the size of the Princess Victoria,
We lay off the mouth of the Mersey for quite a time waiting for a pilot who finally arrived and we started our tortuious way through the Buoy marked channel to our dock, I had an idea that when you were in a river the wind couldn’t Bother you very much. But say talk aBout a gale, why the wind whistled through the rigging and you couldn't face it at all.
The Mersey is aBout f of a mile wide at Liverpool. We docked about 5 o’clock. I always thought that San Francisco had some fine docks, But they are totally eclipsed By the ones at Liverpool, There were quite a few ocean liners in too. We docked near the Mauratania, which is now a hospital ship, as you can plainly tell By the four huge red crosses painted on the side. The MissanaBie, a sister ship of the Metagama pulled out of her dock Bound for St. John just as we tied up.
We paraded for our rations for next day about six o'clock and were handed a loaf of dry Bread, two slices of Bologna, and