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- some so-celled "cheese", which more closely resembled guttapercha. Some kicking you may be sure, at the prospects of only that to eat next day, but to no avail.
At seven o’clock we were told to put on all our equipment, great coats rolled, and be ready to fail in at a moments notice. How a moment in the army is naturally somewhat longer than in civic life, but when it stretches from seven o'clock in the even ing to four next morning, seems to me tha.t I'd hate to be ready at a minute's notice. By this- time, naturally we were pretty tired and cold, but we finally managed to get ashore, and were lined up on the dock with a bitter wind blowing, still with our great coats rolled. Then and not till then, did it dawn on our O.C. that we may be cold, and he gave the order to don great coats. Maybe they weren’t welcome too.
Shortly after we marched into the station to board our train. Say talk about laugh when we saw the cars they call a coach over here. Reminded me for all the world of those little engines and oars we used to play with when we were kids. Thought Bill and Hank would have a fit when they saw them. Bill climbed into one of the "compartments" and for a time resisted all attempts of any one trying to get in, saying that there was only room for him, but he was finally persuaded to let in five more. We travelled third class, but wili say that the seats were very comfortable even if you had to sit facing each other.
We finally started, and as it was pitch dark, with a regulation to the effect that it was a punishable offense to pull up the blinds other than in a station, tried to get some sleep, but wasn't very successful, in spite of the fact that the road bed was fine.'^k^'
Swell sunrise at $,30 and from then on was worry about the loss of a little sleep, Rugby was the first city of any size we passed through. Stopped there for ten minutes, long enough to dispose of a sandwich and a cup of tea kindly donated us by one of the patriotic societies, which are doing a mighty fine work over here.
, Struck the oanal around here, and followed it for miles. Passed quite a few barges on it too, and judging from the speed they were making, the consignees weren't in any hurry for their goods. Was told that the rate per ton is very much cheaper then on the trains, so it is used quite a bit. It was certainly pret ty along the sides of it.
What struck me most forcibly when going through this part of the country was the way in which the towns were built. Hot withstanding the faot that all kinds of land is available the houses are lumped together with absolutely no attempt at individuality. Everything is built of brick over here, don't believe I have seen a dozen frame buildings, but they are very picture- esq ue, especially as quite a variety of coloring in the bricks