Transcript |
- VICTORIA DISTRICT [underlined] 1942.
Feb [February] 3/42 [1942] Vic Goddard of Royal Oak reports
hearing tree-frog chorus for the
first time last (possibly about Jan [January] 28/42 [1942])
Previous to the chorus one frog was
heard for a few nights, followed by
silence for a few nights.
Phyllopods are very abundant in
ponds behind his house, he says,
but none appear to be present in
pond in a field across the road
where they were present in some
numbers in the spring of '41 [1941]
Feb [February] 13 [1942] Full frog chorus heard on Sooke
road just plast Glen lake, and also
at Otter Point, near Army camp.
G.A. Hardy reports hearing chorus near
Cedar hill (crossroads several days ago.
March 3 [1942] Langford Ponds [underlined] Many bunches of
eggs of Ambystoma macrodactylum [underlined] [long-toed salamander] were
found in the Millstream Rd. pond
attached in particular, to twigs.
One small dead willow, under water, supported
8 to 10 bunches, some of which were brought
back to the Museum to be photographed
+ hatched. The egg masses are more
solid in character than those of Hyla,
+ cling to the supports without breaking
away even when held out of water.