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  • until the fifth century. At that time, Byzantium began to slowly develop the art, and by the tenth and eleventh centuries their cloisonne enamel reached a high stage of development. It is not certain as to when cloisonne made its first appearance in China. Scholars in the West and in Japan are sharply divided as to whether it was first made in China during the Tang dynasty (618-907) or the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368).^ If cloisonne did make its first appearance in China during the Tang dynasty, it would have been a fairly isolated and short-lived appear- ance. It may have been brought to China via the Silk Route, and practised by Middle or West Asian craftsmen who lived, worked and traded in great numbers at the Tang capital of Xian or at Canton. In the coming decades Chinese archaeologists will undoubtedly solve the controversy when they excavate the huge Tang imperial mausoleums near Xian, which were reportedly filled with exotic treasures of all kinds. The sophisticated cloisonne technique dealt with in this booklet was first made in China during the latter part of the Mongol Yuan period (1271-1368). The Chinese never claimed the independent invention of the art of cloi- sonne and ascribe its introduction to China from the West to Mohammedan intermediaries at the end of the Yuan period. Mongol victories in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries forced vast migrations of Asian craftsmen to move to Mongolia and later to North China where they were patronized by the Mongol imperial court. Some of these artisans who came to China, may have been skilled in the art of cloisonne enamel- ling. Unfortunately, no cloisonne examples from the Yuan dynasty have, as of yet, been posi- tively authenticated. The mentioning of cloi- sonne in a Chinese text of 1386, only 20 years after the fall of the Yuan dynasty, supports the theory that the manufacture of cloisonne was first introduced into China during the Yuan period. Judging from surviving cloisonne objects, we can see that the art of cloisonne reached a very high standard during the Ming dynasty (1368- 1644). The oldest surviving Ming pieces are dateable to the reign of Emperor Xuande (1426-1436). They include incense burners, cir- cular boxes, dishes and jars. During the reign of Emperor Jingtai (1450- 1456), the manufacture of cloisonne enamel supposedly reached an unprecedented peak; for the Chinese term for cloisonne is Jingtai Lan (Jingtai blue wares). However, this has yet to be substantiated. It is possible that cloisonne became popular and more refined in the reign of Jingtai due to the arrival of a large number of Greek artisans, who were skilled in making Byzantine cloisonne, and who sought refuge in China when Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453. In any case, the Jingtai reign mark came to be regarded as a mark of commenda- tion, and in later centuries the characters of his reign mark were affixed to many Ming cloi- sonne pieces, falsely giving them added lustre. Cloisonne manufacture during the Ming reached high levels also during the reigns of Jiajing (1522-1566) and Wanli (1573-1619). The location where Ming cloisonne was manu- factured is not known, but the most likely centre would have been in the capital, Peking. After the fall of the Ming dynasty in 1644, the manufacture of cloisonne was greatly en- couraged by the new Qingdynasty (1644-1911), especially during the reign of Emperor Kangxi (1662-1722). By 1680, Kangxi had established twenty-seven imperial factories, one of which was devoted to the production of enamel wares, on the grounds of the Imperial Palace in Peking. This act of imperial recognition elevated cloi- sonne to its greatest importance. Skilled artisans gathered in the palace workshops and their talents resulted in significant refinement in the art of cloisonne by the eighteenth century. The cloisonne made during the reign of Qianlong (1736-1795) is especially distinguished for its excellence and perfection. Fine examples of cloisonne were still made in the early nineteenth century, but after that the quality began to decline, largely due to the end of imperial patronage and financial support of the craft. Westerners first became familiar with Chinese cloisonne after a large number of very fine pieces reached the West following the sack of the old Summer Palace near Peking in i860 by British and French troops, and following the expedition against the Boxer Rebellion of 1900. The Europeans, thus, acquired a taste for cloi- sonne, and as a result a big export trade de- veloped between Europe and China in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Chinese cloisonne artists of the twentieth century produce very intricate examples of cloi- sonne with no pitting or split wires, but they do
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