97-051_LTRS 159

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Karen Dykes
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Filename: 2063_97-051_159.tif
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  • rround the next corner. Well, we wrlked andwalked end then walked pome more, at last emerging into another Place, this one called Trinity. Never having seen it before to our knowledge we were as wise as ever. A taxi came bowling along about this time and we joyfully flagged him. He seemed rather surprised when we told him totake us to the St. George. Gan hardly blame him either, for be drove us just three blocks. Such is life in "gay Paree". Rose rather late the next morning, so had breakfast at the hotel. At being a lovely morning, and having no where in particular to go, Charlie and I taxied out to the Luxembourg Cardens. Stayed out there a couple of hours, most of the time lying on the grass in the shade of a giant chestnut tree. Started to rain about this time, so we left the Gardens to search for a taxi, Charlie wishing to hunt up the paymaster to draw some money. Hadn’t been walking very long, before we bumped into the Bon Marche, and of course we had togive it the once over. It is the department store of Paris, and is even more elaborately fitted up than any of the other stores we visited, which is saying something, After inspecting-quite a few departments we left by the main entrance, and were lucky enough to find a taxi waiting at the curb. We were ushered into it by a uniformed individual with a string of medals on his breast, on whom I grandly bestowed a franc, just to show that we harbored no ill feelings toward him. Prove to the barracks where we reported the first day, said. I left Charlie there, for I didn’t know how long he would have to wait for hismoney, thenebeing quite a line-up there already. No taxi in sight, so I boarded a No, 26 street car, which I knew ran down Rue Lafayette. Got off the car at Rue Eaffitte and walked up that thoroughfare to the Boulevard des Italiens. It still being wet, I didn’t walk very far, but made my way leieurely.by some"of the side streets back to the hotel. Pound Eddie in, so we sat in b.is room and chatted till Charlie showed up. Left the hotel about 7 to find the rain had ceased, and the sun was shining again. Strolled upto the &lace Pigclle for the girls, and once again we patronized the "White Elephant", enjoying an even better meal than the previous evening. Joe end the kid had been totbe Casino de Paris the night before and upon their say—so that it was a good show, we walked there after dinner. Enjoyed it immensely, especially an act styled the "Good Luck Girl", wherein every pretty American girl, swings out over the audience in a horse-shoe etosped contrivance framed with colored lights, and the people in the front rows endeavor to pull her slip­pers off. Some Tommies had evidently been therenbefore, for when the act was announced, they crowded down the aisles, and by forming l
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