97-051_LTRS 105

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2009_97-051_105.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:13:29.900Z
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  • the one horse "burgs we have "been hibernating in recently not boasting such. And there’s no gainsaying the fact that some of the girls are pretty. As you may imagine I never fail to smile at them. Just to. keep in oraotice thst’s all. Pour of us were on pass yesterday from 2 P.M. and visited a town about half an hours walk from here. Had a fierce time walking down the "main drag", as there were quite a few nice stores for us to.take a look at. None of us we re overly sup­plied with "oush",, and besides we really didn't want to buy anything, the idea being to see if any pretty "numbers"? were working there, I think we were in nearly every store, jewelers, boots, dry goods, druggist, gents furnishings, etc. looking for* a "1917" diary, but strange to relate, never found one. Pid find the pretty girls though, one jewelry store having no less then four of them. Such is life in Sunny Prance, Took in a boxing tournament at night in the Grand Theatre. There was no admission charged, which may have helped some to swell the mob at the door waiting to get in. Took me back to the old Victoria Theatre gallery mobs I used to revel in. Thoufeht sure one time that I was going to lose my four "oeufs and nominee de terre", but weathered the storm in fine style. The bouts were good, and for the benefit of the "sport" in the house might mention that Bombadier Wells boxed an exhibition three rounds. Our passes were only good till eight o'clock, but it was nine thirty before we got back. Nobody was any the wiser, soc we escaped the due penalty that accompanies such a"flagrant" breach of military discipline. An event almost unique in the annals of this ambulance took place two days ago, viz. a bath parade. Of course I didn't need one very badly, having had one a month previous. Unfortunately though,, at that bath parade, the supply of drawers were non-exis­tent. As a consequence the pair I exchanged two days ago, had ' been my constant companions since a week before Xmas, Horrible isn't it, but at that I was better off than some of the fellows! We had no facilities whatsoever for washing clothes, so just had to grin end bea.r it. At that we had to walk nearly twenty miles for our bath, but it was worth it. That old saying "There is no rest for thewioked" has been changed to,."There is no rest for the lousy . I can see me taking three or four baths a day for a. week when I get back to make up for the ones I've lost over here. Must be a Pritzie over, as the "Archies" or Anti Aircraft batteries around here are pounding away in good style. Too common a sight for me to watch, but hope they get him,, as they did one that came over yesterday. You'll be pleased to hear that the last three parcels you sent all arrived on the same day, so we were able to combine the cake and chocolate icing with splendid results. It came at a very opportune time too, as the grub we are getting thdse days leaves
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