Chinese_Paintings_in_Canadian_Collections 4

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Dean Seeman
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Creator Transcript
  • Foreword Acknowledgements Before the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria moved to its present site in 1951, and before it had permanent exhibition space, the Gallery Committee showed an interest in Asian Art by holding its first Oriental exhibition in 1949. Since then the Gallery has had a particular interest in the area. A significant collection of Japanese and Chinese works has been developed through the support of many individuals. An active exhibition and publications programme has also been a major priority of the Gallery over the years. Chinese Paintings in Canadian Collections is an important addition to the Canadian academic work in this area. I would like to extend my personal thanks to all the donors and lenders who have made this exhibition and publication possible, and to Barry Till for his thorough research in co-ordinating both. Patricia e. bovey, Director The exhibition and survey of Chinese Paint�ings in Canadian Collections would be substan�tially smaller and of little significance, if not for the inspired connoisseurship of the late Mr. R. W. Finlayson. Mr. Finlayson certainly must rank amongst the greatest North American collector-connoisseurs of Chinese paintings ever. Over the years he brought to Canada a tremen�dous collection of major Ming and Qing dynasty paintings. A great majority of the paintings illustrated here once belonged to his collection. We are most grateful to Mrs. R. W. (Mar�jorie) Finlayson for the loan of the remaining Chinese paintings in the Finlayson Collection. We also wish to thank Ms. Ka Bo Tsang of the Royal Ontario Museum, Mr. Larry Ryan of the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Mr. Myron Laskin of the National Gallery of Canada, Mr. Robert Little of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and Mr. Martin Seggar of the Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery for making this exhi�bition and publication possible. We would also like to thank the following Art Gallery staff members for their assistance: Antoinette Church, Brian Patten, Janice Ross and Chris Russell, and Trevor Mills for the photography of the paintings in the Gallery Collection and those in the collection of Mrs. M. J. Finlayson. This project was made possible by funds generously provided by the Canada Council, B.C. Cultural Fund and the National Museums of Canada. 1T0 all those mentioned above, our profound appreciation. BARRY TILL October ig82
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