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Tiffany Chan
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passed on September 03, 2024 at 11:54
Height: 2020
Width: 1518
File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)
File Size: 9199320
Filename: 282_letter26Aug_003.tif
Last Modified: 2024-09-03T19:06:34.896Z
Original Checksum: a13b48667bd1cde0ba0415d5d08956a3
Mime Type: image/tiff
Creator Transcript
  • hang around, I shall go by any route. I have a great urge to clear up things, both actual and metaphorical, in England, with two perfectly good outliners of life to choose from…all the time allowing, as in past experiences that Destiny probably has a third or fourth tucked up her sleeve! I don’t mind… and that is the best thing I’ve learnt from these years; having had my whole normal life taken way, with its habits, friends, beloveds, and all the graces that we always took for granted, and having lived in unbelievable squalor, I can honestly say that I’m not afraid of anything that life can offer from now on…more than that I’m going to be able to enjoy or at any rate be interested in anything that is going to happen. Moreover, being stripped of everything does not chang the essential “me”…of that I’m sure. But camp life can change one’s appearance!!!!! The starchy diet piled weight on this former streamlined chassis, and last winter I waddled along, the poor feet and arches giving way under 153lbs. Then the legs gave out with an unpleasant form of erysipelas, and the face gave out with urticaria…but all under control again, weight down to 134, and one lives in hopes of achieving that well-groomed look…though I don’t know about the feet…in New York they did nicely in 5 12 shoes with high heels, here they can only do on 10 12 sampans!
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