97-051_LTRS 149
File Details
- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2053_97-051_149.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:25:25.882ZOriginal Checksum: f4247b236126ea74cfec3b037d3459dfMime Type: image/tiff
- series of statues - they’re great'on statuary in their public places over here - we arrived at the lake - artificial ,I should judge, at the foot of the grounds, / big crowd was waiting to get through another turnstile leading to the boathouse and cafe but by some manner or means the girls managed to nilot us through in front of all of them. Possibly we being soldiers helped some. Peltrather hungry about this time and the cafe with its small tables in the ooen, shaded by huge umbrellas, proved too great a line to resist. Had a dandy meal, it being enlivened by a verbal scrap between the girls, Charlie and I egging them on. nothing very personal of course, just a mere,difference of opinion, end it’s a poorcport who won't stick uo for the courage of his or her convic- ul0£B* proceedings were further inlivened by the massing of a. number of Belgians - male and female - in fancy dress, who were taking pert in e pageant, naturally we had to comment on nearly all of them, and there was cause to do so too, for some of the makeups were simply fierce, even to laymen like Charlie and me. The girls, being experts in the art of "make-up" had thetime of their 1ives* - 146 - + ?-,ood t5a^£s must come to an end some time, and that dire fa te befell our dinner party. The lake seemed inviting, so we walked down to the boat house and hired a boat. Once again we bumped into a Prench system, a sensible one this time, T i.e. from the boathouse proprietor’s ooint of view. You deposit ten francs for a boat five francs of which is returned to you when you bring the boat back, vould much rather have paddled a canoe around, but there being none had to row instead. You may be sure, however, that I didn't over * exert myself, or try to display my well known nrowess as an oarsman, iiost of the time we hugged the shore in the shade of the overhanging trees. The shore, I said, ' Shortly after we returned the boat we bumped into the other three fellows. Of course we had told the girls about them, arid Ade swotted the kid right swayt Stood talking for a while then made a move train- wards as we wished to ge6 away before the real crush started there ^eon?^?UfSnde+0UJ *y now* Had 0nly left them e fev? minutes when toe fountains started to play all over the grounds. Have never seen a more wonderful sight in all mylife. The sun was shining brilliantly, and the rainbows of every hue were aonearing and disappearing in the saray. It was a. magnificent view we had from the top of the incline down to the lake, with, all the fountains in nlain view. I won t forget the eight in a hurry* . . ^rfiVel at the 8tetion in time to catch the train, this a en0UK*a peats. Mighty hot and uncomfortable, though, but one expects such inconveniences in war time. Hailed a taxi when we hit the station and drove down to Appenrodt’s for tea. We certainly enjoyed thetea too, after the V. Z ' ' ;vr
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