97-051_LTRS 191

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Filename: 2095_97-051_191.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:27:07.626Z
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Creator Transcript
  • 183 ?bestirred ourselves and dallied ."with a pound or so of Eighty, fine plum pudding. By this time I w as beginning to think that my capacity had been reached, but somehow or other I managed to tuck away a decent sized wedge of mince pie. It was at this stage of the proceedings that I had to reluctantly turn down an encore on the pie that Davy proffered me. How if I'd had a stiff collar on I might have tackled it,. but as it was my neck would sag in spite of my efforts. The heavy part of the meal disposed of, I decided that there must be a few odd crannies that weren't filled up, so, there being quite a bunch of candy, raisins, nuts figs, etc. still on the table, I proceeded to fill 'em up. Then, and only then, did I rise- with* the assistance of xnyneighbor- and give way tothe next sitting. Yes, there's notwo ways about it, it was a mighty f finespread, one that would be hard to beat. We hung around till about 5*30,thencsme Tet, Finn and Jack Keech with us. They, with him, are having a four handed game of orlb a few feet away from where I'm sitting writing this. It is fine and warm in here, and I have no hesiw tation in saying that I've enjoyed this Xmas a thousand times more than I did the last one. And we're up the line at that, I suppose you. folks are having a very quiet Xmas dinner about.this time, and wishing that we two were with you. I can picture in my mind's eye, Dad standing up to carve up the chicken - or was it chicken?, and pulling off that old familiar remark of his about such and such a dish being his favorite -one. As for me, I play no favorites these days at all, just simply glom onto every tiling that comes my way. And you, Mother, bustling in and out of the kitchen, always on the move, When will you learn to take things easy? Gosh, oh gosh.' Don't I wish I was back there with you all tonight. Jimmy, add I haven’t decided yet whether we'll mosey across to the A.D.S. tonight for mail or not, I would sure like to get a few lines from you tonight. So even if Jim doesn't want to go, I think I 'll make the trip just for luck. Mail sure cheers a fellow up. Hot that I'm downhearted at present, far be it from such. 'Who would be in that deplorable condition with a meal under his belt such as I have? In all fairness I ask you. Who could be? Well, folks, 1*11 have to leave you now, and drop a few lines to the boy, after which I think I’ll horn in on the crib game. Am quite a shark at that pastime. The boys here all send their regards, the "Wop" especially, for he considers that he has a stand-in. You know why. With very best love to all of you this Xmas day, FRED
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