97-051_LTRS 112
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- Depositor
- Karen Dykes
- Date Uploaded
- 2022-03-09
- Date Modified
- 2022-03-09
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- passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
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Height: 6600Width: 5100File Format: tiff (Tagged Image File Format)File Size: 101033026Filename: 2016_97-051_112.tifLast Modified: 2024-07-28T13:13:35.776ZOriginal Checksum: 5810f4201c4ec34af90ba4dd524f8575Mime Type: image/tiff
- escort work. Tom Webster has been transferred to the Sevan Military Hospital in Sandgate, and is pleased with the change, the discipline not being so strict. Piute expects to be across here shortly, as all the fit men ere being weeded out of the hospitals over in Blighty. Hope he is lucky enough to hit this unit, for he is one of the best pals a fellow could have. Oh.* Before I forget it. Last night was pay parade, and we were given an opportunity to remit part of the money due us to home. As neither of us have any expectation of getting leave this year,we instructed the pay sergt, to remit you $5G*00 from each of us. If you think that you need it, why hop to it. If not, just put it to our credit. And youi might include a memo book in the next parcel, I think you’ll find some in the filing case that used to be on the shelf in our bedroom. Gome to think of it, I believe I put it in my trunk in the back room. I’d be glad too, if you’d send along a few of my camp pictures. Pick out some good ones. In three days it will be just a year since we left home,and • nine months since we landed in Prance, What an experience has been ccowded into that short space of time. Many, a night I’ve lain awake in a dugout, living over the old scenes again, and longing for the day when we’d once more set our feet on Canadian soil. It has been mighty herd on you folks at home I know, but cheer up, Mother dear,, the end isn’t; far off now. And while I’m not making any predictions, am quite certain that we’ll be home again this time next year. "First post" has just gone, and I’ve to. shave yet end make the bed, so will have to call this a’day’s work. The kid has just finished writing a letter headed "Bear Agnes", so the two will likely be in on the same mail. Love to all, from Fred Fragments from Prance, March 12 th, 1917. Bear Mother and Bad,- Am not in the most comfortable position for writing by any means, with my beck against the wall of the hut and the pad on my knees, but have grown used to such little things by now, so don't think it will interrupt my line of "bull" any. It is only 6.?0 but I've already made my bed, and it won't be long after I finish this epistle before I burrow into it. Was on kitchen today,, not exceptionally hard worked, but twelve hours wallowing in the mud
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