Transcript |
- results:-
W. [West] end Coot:- 53 ads. [adults]
Baldpate [American wigeon]:- 10 [female symbol] + 6, 9, 8, 6, 15, 3, 8, 8, 5 yng [young]
Mallard 1 [female symbol]
Scaup 3 [female symbol]'s 2 with 6 eggs + ? eggs.
12 young.
Canvasback. 1 [female symbol] + 6 (2)
Redhead. 1 [female symbol] + 7 (2)
Ruddy [female symbol] + 14 3 [male symbol]
Holboell grebe + 2
Herring Gulls 3.
E [East] end:- 27 western grebe + 6
Baldpate [female symbol] + 6; [female symbol] + 8
Canvasback [female symbol] + 10 (2) [female symbol] + 7
Coots 3 ad [adults] + 12 yng [young]
Mallard [female symbol]
July 27 Rained hard all day.
Lac La Hache July 29, 1948
Returned to Watson L. [Lake] to look for
a lost fieldglass, no luck. Then
down to 103 mile Lake where we saw
Canvasbacks + 7 + 7.
Ruddies + 6
Coots 80 +/- with many young.
Terns 25 +/- with 6 flying young.
Wilson Phalarope 1 yng. [young]
Then went to #14 lake at Mile 113 second visit
There saw Mallard [female symbol] + 4
Goldeneye [female symbol] + 5