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passed on July 19, 2024 at 16:42
Height: 8873
Width: 6132
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File Size: 163720332
Filename: RulesforElementarySchool.tif
Last Modified: 2024-11-27T19:13:31.629Z
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  • 1. Love the nation, love the people. Study hard, progress daily. 2. Attend school on time, don't miss class for no reason. 3. Concentrate in class, complete homework diligently. 4. Stay physically active, take part enthusiastically in recreational activities. 5. Be careful about hygeine, keep your clothes clean, don't spit everywhere. 6. Love pysical labour, do jobs yourself if you can. 7. Respect school rules, respect public order. 8. Revere your teachers and elders, unite with your fellow-students, don't curse people or fight. 9. Show concern for the collective, protect public property, hand in anything you pick up. 10. Don't tell lies, correct your mistakes.
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