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left: article with black and white illustration: "Today: Mr. Italy”; article with black and white illustration: “Today: Mr France” right: article with black and white illustration: "Today: Mr. Germany”; article: "TWO men were 'married' at New Hampshire, USA, by a judge who didn't realize they were the same sex. Now the state is trying to get the 'marriage' annulled.”; article: "A sex swap at the police station" "A police surgeon had a surprise when he examined a woman prisoner. Because it turned out that she was a man” [credit: Mirror Reporter]; article: "With it is ‘The Queen,’ a documentary record of the Drag Miss All-American Beauty Queen Contest of 1967 ..."; article: "The greatest lover of them all has something to boast about. He's had more women than most men of his age have had hot dinners [actor Maurizio Arena]...“ [credit: Madelin Dimont]; untitled: black and white photograph [possibly actor Rudolph Valentino and fellow actress]

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