97-051_LTRS 7

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Karen Dykes
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passed on July 28, 2024 at 05:35
Height: 6600
Width: 5100
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File Size: 101033026
Filename: 1911_97-051_007.tif
Last Modified: 2024-07-28T13:08:31.664Z
Original Checksum: 8687d6235da0f6b9b8ba4308d7ac28ec
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Creator Transcript
  • so I was assigned to take his place. Three Sundays in a row, working twelve hours on two of them, and sixteen on the last* is rubbing it in for fair. However I never kicked but just buckled to, and did my work, Hope I am lucky enough to esoape this week though, Harold hasn’t been on duties for twelve days now, so expect he will be selected tonight for some kind of work for the next three days. We sure would appreciate some good things on my 26th, but I think you had better play it safe and not send any, wpiie we will be greatly disappointed if we are up here and have to eat the usual meals, as I said before we may be leaving before or shortly after that date, Find it rather hard to collect my thoughts, as the 47th band is playing a stirring march just across the way, and that with my dopey head make a bad combination. Cliff Wilson is on the next draft and is leaving for Victoria tomorrow. I am going to ask him to ring you up and give you first hand information re our (Oh shaw, that doesn’t sound right but anyway I»m going to ask him to do it). Haven’t been issued uniforms yet and can’t say just when we will have them. Hope to have them before we get baok. My grey sweater is turning a shade or two darker. Stumbled on a guy rope the other night and ripped two big holes in the knee of my pants. As a result of my home sewing one leg is several indies shorter than the other. My coat disappeared when one of my old tent mates obtained his discharge. So taken all round I’d be a bum looking soldier to wend my way up to 1206 Yates St. Can’t thin* of anything more to say just now. Harold isn’t feeling just skookum but is alongside me ohewing candy and also writing, so I guess he will pull through all right. You’ll have to excuse writing on both sides. Paper is scarce up here. Both of us send our very best love to all FRED P*S, Pictures are fine. Am sending them back as can’t very well keep them here. - 7 - Vernon, B.C.. October 26th, 1915. Dear Mother,- Have just finished supper, and as it is blowing a regular AiCOld a® *laj5e8» didn't lose any time getting up here along­side tie stove. Your very welcome letter and parcels received Q,K.
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